Small web interface to show realtime data with a map.
It use the Python microframework Flask with :
This example is made from an idea of PythonWise blog.
For example, it can be use to follow a moving Raspberry Pi with a sensor data and a GPS. This Raspberry Pi must send data into a distant database.
I made
to simulate a moving Raspberry Pi.
is a Flask application to show data on chart and map.
It works with Python 3.5.
Clone this repository :
git clone
cd realtime-data-with-map
In a terminal :
python /tmp/data.db
You will see random data like this :
sqlite3: create table ok
2015-12-13 11:36:16 3.961, 4.999422, 45.000980
2015-12-13 11:36:18 -6.000, 4.999101, 45.001092
2015-12-13 11:36:20 -13.732, 4.998480, 45.001525
Do not close the terminal and in an other terminal :
python3.5 /tmp/data.db
See the realtime data and map at http://localhost:5000.