The population of Native Americans in the United States is estimated to be anywhere upto [20 million] ( I wanted to find out what the population of Native Americans (originally referred to as American Indians by immigrants) is and compare it to the number of Indians from India (Indian Americans).
I wanted to do this comparison by county, but the US Census Bureau and other Federal websites are unavailable because of the Government shutdown (as of Oct 7 2013). Hence I obtained state-wide totals of American Indians and Indian Americans from several sources and made the below maps using R and googleVis.
Data -
- State-wide population of American Indians in 2010 - wikipedia
- State-wide population totals of US states in 2010 - wikipedia
- State-wide population totals of Indian Americans in 2010 - news article
First, I copied the data into a spreadsheet and cleaned it up and saved into a text file called "pop_indians.txt".
# read data
pop_data <- read.delim("pop_indians.txt", = TRUE)
## State Pop_IndAm Pop_AmInd Tot_Pop
## 1 Alaska 1218 104871 710231
## 2 Alabama 13036 28218 4779736
## 3 Arkansas 7973 22248 2915918
## 4 Arizona 36047 296529 6392017
## 5 California 528176 362801 37253956
## 6 Colorado 20369 56010 5029196
Next, I estimated the number of Indian Americans and American Indians as number per 1000 of the total population of each state.
# calculate number per 1000 of total population
pop_data$Indian_American <- sprintf("%.1f", pop_data$Pop_IndAm * 1000/pop_data$Tot_Pop)
pop_data$American_Indian <- sprintf("%.1f", pop_data$Pop_AmInd * 1000/pop_data$Tot_Pop)
## State Pop_IndAm Pop_AmInd Tot_Pop Indian_American American_Indian
## 1 Alaska 1218 104871 710231 1.7 147.7
## 2 Alabama 13036 28218 4779736 2.7 5.9
## 3 Arkansas 7973 22248 2915918 2.7 7.6
## 4 Arizona 36047 296529 6392017 5.6 46.4
## 5 California 528176 362801 37253956 14.2 9.7
## 6 Colorado 20369 56010 5029196 4.1 11.1
Next, make some maps using googleVis.
# load libraries
# plot american indians
chart_1 <- gvisGeoChart(data = pop_data, locationvar = "State", colorvar = "American_Indian",
options = list(region = "US", displayMode = "regions", resolution = "provinces",
colorAxis = "{minValue: 0, maxValue: 150, colors:['grey', 'black', 'green', 'blue', 'violet']}",
width = 600, height = 400), chartid = "AmInd")
plot(chart_1, "chart")
# plot indian americans
chart_2 <- gvisGeoChart(data = pop_data, locationvar = "State", colorvar = "Indian_American",
options = list(region = "US", displayMode = "regions", resolution = "provinces",
colorAxis = "{minValue: 0, maxValue: 150, colors:['grey', 'black', 'green', 'blue', 'violet']}",
width = 600, height = 400), chartid = "IndAm")
plot(chart_2, "chart")
In states with big cities, the number of Indian Americans are more than the American Indians. Moreover, I am not sure whether the statewide totals include or exclude the Indian immigrants who are not citizens of the United States. Also, the spatial patterns at the county resolution are likely going to be different. Only when the Census Bureau websites are back online I can dig into this a little deeper.
Here is the data in a tabluar format.
chart_3 <- gvisTable(data = pop_data)
print(chart_3, "chart")
All relevant files are on my GitHub site
The googleVis visualizations are here -