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Template repo for FastAPI. Includes CI/CD on Azure Web App using Github Actions. Uses Poetry for dependency management.


  1. run git clone
  2. change code as needed
  3. add needed environment variables to .env file


Do not store credentials/passswords/keys in the code, use the .env file instead. This file will not be pushed to the repository, as it is listed in the .gitignore file, so your credentials won't be exposed.

  1. add needed packages to pyproject.toml
  2. run pip install poetry to install poetry
  3. run poetry install to install the packages (or python -m poetry install, if poetry command is not found)
  4. run poetry run uvicorn main:app --reload to start the server (or python -m poetry run uvicorn main:app --reload, if poetry command is not found)
  5. go to and test if the app runs as expected.

Deploy to Azure with GitHub Actions

  1. Create a new App Service Plan in Azure, or choose a pre-existing one.
  2. Create a new Web App in Azure:
    • choose a meaningful name, e.g. fastapi-template-jacopo
    • select Publish: Docker Container
    • select Operating System: Linux
    • select Region: West Europe
    • select the App Service Plan you created in step 1
    • Create the Web App
  3. Enable basic authentication
    • Go to the Web App in the Azure portal
    • Under Settings, select Configuration -> General settings -> Platform settings
    • Set SCM Basic Auth Publishing Credentials to On
    • Set FTP Basic Auth Publishing Credentials to On
    • Save the changes
    • Go back to the Overview and click Restart
  4. Get a Web App Publish Profile, to deploy from GitHub
    • Go to your app service in the Azure portal.
    • On the Overview page, select Download publish profile.
    • Save the downloaded file. You'll use the contents of the file to create a GitHub secret.
  5. Create a new Azure Container Registry or choose a pre-existing one.
    • Go to the registry -> Access keys -> Enable Admin user -> Copy the username and password
  6. Give permissions to the Web App to access the Container Registry
    • Go to your app service in the Azure portal.
    • Under Configuration, update the Application settings:
      • DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_URL: the URL of the Azure Container Registry, e.g.
      • DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_USERNAME: the username of the Azure Container Registry, e.g. fastapiregister
      • DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_PASSWORD: the password of the Azure Container Registry


These Application settings determine which environment variables are accessible by the web app. If you change/add environment variables in the GitHub repository, don't forget to update the Web App Configuration in the Azure portal.

  1. Create the GitHub secrets and variables, so that GitHub Actions can deploy to Azure
    • Go to your GitHub repository
    • Go to Settings -> Secrets and variables -> Actions -> New repository secret
    • Add the following repository secrets:
      • AZURE_WEBAPP_PUBLISH_PROFILE: the contents of the downloaded file from step 3
      • REGISTRY_PASSWORD: the password of the Azure Container Registry
    • Go to Settings -> Secrets and variables -> Actions -> New repository variable
    • Add the following repository variables:
      • AZURE_WEBAPP_NAME: the name of your web app, e.g. fastapi-template-jacopo
      • REGISTRY_NAME: the name of the Azure Container Registry, e.g. fastapiregister
  2. Push a change to the repository to trigger the GitHub Actions workflow.
  3. Wait 5-10 minutes, then go to <my-api-name> and see the app running.
  4. If the app is not running
    • go to the Actions tab in your GitHub repository and check the logs of the failed workflow.
    • go to the Overview tab of your Web App in the Azure portal and check Deployment logs -> Logs.

Run locally

cp example.env .env
pip install poetry
poetry install
uvicorn main:app --reload


A template for FastAPI + GitHub actions







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