#Digitally Representing Linguistic Structures
This demo is designed to illustrate the difference between linguistic data and the presentation of that data. Users are prompted to enter a small amount of linguistic data, and are then shown what that data looks like in Javascript Object Notation (JSON) format. At the same time, they are shown three different automatically-generated views of that same data: an interlinear gloss, some statistical information, and a mini-dictionary. This emphasizes the point that the underlying data can stay the same even while the representation of that data varies tremendously. This is one of the most crucial concepts in Digital Linguistics (DLX), so this demo will serve as part of the landing page for wugbot.org, an organization dedicated to making digital linguistics accessible to everyone.
##The Importance of Serialization
For more on the importance of data serialization, check out this M.A. thesis by Pat Hall, a graduate student in linguistics at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
- link to pat's masters thesis here
This project is available under an MIT license. See the project license here.