脚本使用的python,测试的环境是2.7,其他的版本没试过。 适用于中文版的滴答清单, 英文版应该也可以,需要把tick.py中的url改成英文版的。
- 安装所需的python模块
pip install tzlocal
- 导入tick.alfredworkflow
- alfred中输入"tick_login 用户名<空格>密码"登陆,登陆后会把需要的cookie和收集箱的id保存到~/.ticktick文件中
- 输入"tick 任务 [日期] [时间]",日期和时间都可以不写
- 日期支持下面这些形式
- tomorrow|tmr
- mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun
- every mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun,每周重复
- next mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun
- month-day
- every month-day, 每月重复
- every,每天重复
- 时间支持"hour:minute"的形式
This workflow uses python 2.7. Haven't tested in other version. It's for 滴答清单. If you use Ticktick, please checkout branch "ticktick". However, since I don't have account of ticktick to test, it may not work correctly.
- install python package
pip install tzlocal
- import tick.alfredworkflow
- input "tick_login username password" in alfred to login. Cookie and inbox id will be saved in ~/.ticktick.
- input "tick task [date] [time]",
can be omitted - date supports following formats:
- tomorrow|tmr
- mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun
- every mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun,repeat every week
- next mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat|sun
- month-day
- every month-day, repeat every month
- every,repeat everyday
- time should be inputed as "hour:minute"