Generate dependency graph(s) for variables in Clojure(Script) namespaces.
Add an alias for morpheus
in your deps.edn.
{:morpheus {:extra-deps {thomasa/morpheus {:git/url ""
:sha "d3decebc1cb9ef697cd34781f9cf83d44a071e85"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "thomasa.morpheus.main"]}}}
Run it in your project, provide directory to generate output files into -- directory needs to exist, format -- png, svg and dot is supported, latter is default -- and a list of paths to analyse.
Morpheus will generate a file per project variable with its dependency graph where nodes are other variables in the project or in one of the dependencies of the project.
clj -A:morpheus -d graphs -f png src test
For anything else than a dot file you need to graphiz installed. Alternatively you can use a viewer online, for example edotor.
If you generate svg format you can leverage the references added to the graph nodes: you can navigate to subgraphs in your dependency tree.
Uses clj-kondo to analyse namespaces under provided paths.