Convert scanned CAC barcodes (PDF417 and Code39) into Python objects with all data parsed
A simple one class library under the MIT license designed to help python programmers who need to parse CAC barcodes.
from cacbarcode import PDF417Barcode, Code39Barcode
# To parse a barcode, simply do
barcode = PDF417Barcode("data here")
# or the other kind
barcode = Code39Barcode("data here")
# If you want an EDIPI, but aren't sure which barcode is being scanned, do this:
edipi = None
barcode_data = "BARCODE DATA HERE"
barcode = PDF417Barcode(barcode_data)
# if this was the wrong type, an exception will be thrown
# otherwise, this was the correct type, so set the edipi
edipi = barcode.edipi
# Try the other barcode type
barcode = Code39Barcode(barcode_data)
edipi = barcode.edipi
# Neither barcode was correct
print("Neither barcode worked!")
print("EDIPI =", edipi)
The easiest way to use this library is with a barcode scanned connected to a computer. The barcode scanner emulates keyboard input, so doing
barcode = PDF417Barcode(input(">"))
will be a very easy way to parse barcodes.
To easily see the contents of the barcode, simply print the object
For more information on CAC barcode structure, see