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update competing risk analysis option for regression table, kaplan meier, subgroup analysis
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jinseob2kim authored Dec 11, 2024
2 parents 0b0af04 + 3a7281a commit 6116444
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Showing 6 changed files with 180 additions and 40 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: jsmodule
Title: 'RStudio' Addins and 'Shiny' Modules for Medical Research
Version: 1.5.10
Date: 2024-11-11
Date: 2024-12-11
Authors@R: c(
person("Jinseob", "Kim", email = "[email protected]", role = c("aut", "cre"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-9403-605X")),
person("Zarathu", role = c("cph", "fnd")),
Expand All @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ Authors@R: c(
person("Jinhwan", "Kim", email = "[email protected]", role = c("aut"), comment = c(ORCID = "0009-0009-3217-2417")),
person("Yoonkyoung", "Jeon", email = "[email protected]", role = c("aut")),
person("Jaewoong", "Heo", email = "[email protected]", role = c("aut")),
person("Youngsun", "Park", email = "[email protected]", role = c("aut"), comment = c(ORCID = "0009-0009-9336-2281")))
person("Youngsun", "Park", email = "[email protected]", role = c("aut"), comment = c(ORCID = "0009-0009-9336-2281")),
person("Hyungwoo", "Jo", email = "[email protected]", role = c("aut")))
Description: 'RStudio' addins and 'Shiny' modules for descriptive statistics, regression and survival analysis.
Depends: R (>= 3.4.0)
License: Apache License 2.0
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ importFrom(survival,Surv)
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
# jsmodule 1.6.0
## Update
- Add competing risk analysis in subgroup, Kaplan-meier, regression tab.

# jsmodule 1.5.10
## Update:
- Change Boxplot fill type

# jsmodule 1.5.9
## Bugfix:
- `sav` file load in `FilePSInput.R`, `FileRepeatedInput.R`, `FileSurveyInput.R`
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89 changes: 64 additions & 25 deletions R/coxph.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,10 +15,12 @@ coxUI <- function(id) {
checkboxInput(ns("check_rangetime"), "Choose time ranges"),
checkboxInput(ns("cmp_risk_check"), "Competing Risk Analysis(Fine-Gray)"),
sliderInput(ns("decimal"), "Digits",
min = 1, max = 4, value = 2
min = 1, max = 4, value = 2
checkboxInput(ns("subcheck"), "Sub-group analysis"),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ coxUI <- function(id) {
#' @importFrom labelled var_label<-
#' @importFrom stats glm as.formula model.frame step
#' @importFrom purrr map_lgl
#' @importFrom survival cluster coxph Surv
#' @importFrom survival cluster coxph Surv finegray

coxModule <- function(input, output, session, data, data_label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = 10, design.survey = NULL, default.unires = T, limit.unires = 20, id.cluster = NULL, ties.coxph = "efron") {
## To remove NOTE.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,23 +158,40 @@ coxModule <- function(input, output, session, data, data_label, data_varStruct =

selectInput(session$ns("event_cox"), "Event",
choices = mklist(data_varStruct(), vlist()$factor_01vars), multiple = F,
selected = NULL
choices = mklist(data_varStruct(), vlist()$factor_01vars), multiple = F,
selected = NULL
selectInput(session$ns("time_cox"), "Time",
choices = mklist(data_varStruct(), vlist()$conti_vars_positive), multiple = F,
selected = NULL
choices = mklist(data_varStruct(), vlist()$conti_vars_positive), multiple = F,
selected = NULL

observeEvent(input$cmp_risk_check, {
output$cmp_eventtime <- renderUI({
req(input$cmp_risk_check == TRUE)
need(length(vlist()$factor_01vars) >= 1, "No candidate event variables coded as 0, 1"),
need(length(vlist()$conti_vars_positive) >= 1, "No candidate time variables")
selectInput(session$ns("cmp_event_cox"), "Competing Event",
choices = mklist(data_varStruct(), vlist()$factor_01vars), multiple = FALSE,
selected = NULL),
selectInput(session$ns("cmp_time_cox"), "Competing Time",
choices = mklist(data_varStruct(), vlist()$conti_vars_positive), multiple = FALSE,
selected = NULL)

observeEvent(input$check_rangetime, {
output$rangetime <- renderUI({
req(input$check_rangetime == T)
sliderInput(session$ns("range_time"), "Time ranges",
min = min(data()[[input$time_cox]], na.rm = T), max = max(data()[[input$time_cox]], na.rm = T),
value = c(min(data()[[input$time_cox]], na.rm = T), median(data()[[input$time_cox]], na.rm = T))
min = min(data()[[input$time_cox]], na.rm = T), max = max(data()[[input$time_cox]], na.rm = T),
value = c(min(data()[[input$time_cox]], na.rm = T), median(data()[[input$time_cox]], na.rm = T))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -271,8 +290,8 @@ coxModule <- function(input, output, session, data, data_label, data_varStruct =

selectInput(session$ns("indep_cox"), "Independent variables",
choices = mklist(data_varStruct(), indep.cox), multiple = T,
selected = indep.cox[varsIni]
choices = mklist(data_varStruct(), indep.cox), multiple = T,
selected = indep.cox[varsIni]
Expand All @@ -295,8 +314,8 @@ coxModule <- function(input, output, session, data, data_label, data_varStruct =

selectInput(session$ns("subvar_cox"), "Sub-group variables",
choices = var_subgroup_list, multiple = T,
selected = var_subgroup[1]
choices = var_subgroup_list, multiple = T,
selected = var_subgroup[1]
Expand All @@ -312,14 +331,14 @@ coxModule <- function(input, output, session, data, data_label, data_varStruct =
for (v in seq_along(input$subvar_cox)) {
if (input$subvar_cox[[v]] %in% vlist()$factor_vars) {
outUI[[v]] <- selectInput(session$ns(paste0("subval_cox", v)), paste0("Sub-group value: ", input$subvar_cox[[v]]),
choices = data_label()[variable == input$subvar_cox[[v]], level], multiple = T,
selected = data_label()[variable == input$subvar_cox[[v]], level][1]
choices = data_label()[variable == input$subvar_cox[[v]], level], multiple = T,
selected = data_label()[variable == input$subvar_cox[[v]], level][1]
} else {
val <- stats::quantile(data()[[input$subvar_cox[[v]]]], na.rm = T)
outUI[[v]] <- sliderInput(session$ns(paste0("subval_cox", v)), paste0("Sub-group range: ", input$subvar_cox[[v]]),
min = val[1], max = val[5],
value = c(val[2], val[4])
min = val[1], max = val[5],
value = c(val[2], val[4])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -351,10 +370,20 @@ coxModule <- function(input, output, session, data, data_label, data_varStruct =
need(!is.null(input$indep_cox), "Please select at least 1 independent variable.")
if (is.null(id.cluster)) {
return(as.formula(paste("survival::Surv(", input$time_cox, ",", input$event_cox, ") ~ ", paste(input$indep_cox, collapse = "+"), sep = "")))
} else {
return(as.formula(paste("survival::Surv(", input$time_cox, ",", input$event_cox, ") ~ ", paste(input$indep_cox, collapse = "+"), " + cluster(", id.cluster(), ")", sep = "")))
if (input$cmp_risk_check) {
"survival::Surv(fgstart, fgstop, fgstatus) ~ ",
paste(input$indep_cox, collapse = "+")
if (is.null(id.cluster)) {
return(as.formula(paste("survival::Surv(", input$time_cox, ",", input$event_cox, ") ~ ", paste(input$indep_cox, collapse = "+"), sep = "")))
} else {
return(as.formula(paste("survival::Surv(", input$time_cox, ",", input$event_cox, ") ~ ", paste(input$indep_cox, collapse = "+"), " + cluster(", id.cluster(), ")", sep = "")))

Expand All @@ -363,7 +392,6 @@ coxModule <- function(input, output, session, data, data_label, data_varStruct =
data.cox <- data()

if (input$check_rangetime == T) {
data.cox <- data.cox[!(get(input$time_cox) < input$range_time[1])]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,6 +424,19 @@ coxModule <- function(input, output, session, data, data_label, data_varStruct =
label.regress <- data_label()[label.regress2]
data.cox[[input$event_cox]] <- as.numeric(as.vector(data.cox[[input$event_cox]]))
if (input$cmp_risk_check == T) {
data.cox[[input$cmp_event_cox]]<- as.numeric(as.vector(data.cox[[input$cmp_event_cox]]))
data.cox$cmpp_time <- with(data.cox, ifelse(data.cox[[input$event_cox]]==0, data.cox[[input$cmp_time_cox]], data.cox[[input$time_cox]]))
data.cox$cmpp_event <- with(data.cox, ifelse(data.cox[[input$event_cox]]==0, 2*data.cox[[input$cmp_event_cox]], 1))
data.cox$cmpp_event<- factor(data.cox$cmpp_event)
fg_data <- survival::finegray(formula = survival::Surv(cmpp_time,cmpp_event) ~ ., data = data.cox)
cc <- substitute(survival::coxph(.form, data = data.cox, weight = fgwt, model = T, ties = .ties), list(.form = form.cox(), .ties = ties.coxph))
mf <- model.frame(form.cox(), data.cox)
need(nrow(mf) > 0, paste("No complete data due to missingness. Please remove some variables from independent variables"))
Expand All @@ -404,11 +445,10 @@ coxModule <- function(input, output, session, data, data_label, data_varStruct =
need(sum(lgl.1level) == 0, paste(paste(names(lgl.1level)[lgl.1level], collapse = " ,"), "has(have) a unique value. Please remove that from independent variables"))

if (is.null(design.survey)) {
if (is.null(id.cluster)) {
if (is.null(id.cluster)&!input$cmp_risk_check) {
cc <- substitute(survival::coxph(.form, data = data.cox, model = T, ties = .ties), list(.form = form.cox(), .ties = ties.coxph))
} else {
} else if (!is.null(id.cluster)&!input$cmp_risk_check){
cc <- substitute(survival::coxph(.form, data = data.cox, model = T, robust = T, ties = .ties), list(.form = form.cox(), .ties = ties.coxph))
res.cox <- eval(cc)
Expand All @@ -420,7 +460,6 @@ coxModule <- function(input, output, session, data, data_label, data_varStruct =
scope <- lapply(list(input$step_upper, input$step_lower), function(x) {
as.formula(ifelse(is.null(x), "~1", paste0("~", paste(x, collapse = "+"))))

data.cox.step <<- data.cox[complete.cases(data.cox[, .SD, .SDcols = c(input$time_cox, input$event_cox, input$indep_cox)])]

if (is.null(id.cluster)) {
Expand Down
40 changes: 36 additions & 4 deletions R/forestcox.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ forestcoxUI <- function(id, label = "forestplot") {
checkboxInput(ns("cmp_risk_check"), "Competing Risk Analysis(Fine-Gray)"),

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,7 +249,23 @@ forestcoxServer <- function(id, data, data_label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor
numericInput(session$ns("xMax"), "max HR for forestplot", value = round(max(as.numeric(data[data != "Inf"]), na.rm = TRUE), 2))

observeEvent(input$cmp_risk_check, {
output$cmp_eventtime <- renderUI({
req(input$cmp_risk_check == TRUE)
need(length(vlist()$factor_01vars) >= 1, "No candidate event variables coded as 0, 1"),
need(length(vlist()$conti_vars_positive) >= 1, "No candidate time variables")
selectInput(session$ns("cmp_event_cox"), "Competing Event",
choices = mklist(data_varStruct(), vlist()$factor_01vars), multiple = FALSE,
selected = NULL),
selectInput(session$ns("cmp_time_cox"), "Competing Time",
choices = mklist(data_varStruct(), vlist()$conti_vars_positive), multiple = FALSE,
selected = NULL)

tbsub <- reactive({
label <- data_label()
Expand All @@ -268,7 +286,7 @@ forestcoxServer <- function(id, data, data_label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor
isgroup <- ifelse(group.tbsub %in% vlist()$group_vars, 1, 0)

# data[[var.event]] <- as.numeric(as.vector(data[[var.event]]))
data <- data[!( < var.time[1])]
data <- data[data[[]] >= var.time[1]]
data[[var.event]] <- ifelse(data[[]] >= var.time[2] & data[[var.event]] == "1", 0, as.numeric(as.vector(data[[var.event]])))
data[[]] <- ifelse(data[[]] >= var.time[2], var.time[2], data[[]])

Expand All @@ -278,10 +296,24 @@ forestcoxServer <- function(id, data, data_label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor
coxdata <- design.survey()
coxdata$variables <- data
if (input$cmp_risk_check) {
form<- as.formula(paste("survival::Surv(fgstart, fgstop, fgstatus) ~ ", group.tbsub, sep = ""))
cox_data<- data
cox_data[[input$cmp_event_cox]]<- as.numeric(as.vector(cox_data[[input$cmp_event_cox]]))
cox_data$cmpp_time <- with(cox_data, ifelse(cox_data[[input$dep]]==0, cox_data[[input$cmp_time_cox]], cox_data[[input$day]]))
cox_data$cmpp_event <- with(cox_data, ifelse(cox_data[[input$dep]]==0, 2*cox_data[[input$cmp_event_cox]], 1))
cox_data$cmpp_event<- factor(cox_data$cmpp_event)
fg_data <- survival::finegray(formula = survival::Surv(cmpp_time,cmpp_event) ~ ., data = cox_data)
tbsub <- TableSubgroupMultiCox(form, var_subgroups = vs, var_cov = setdiff(input$cov, vs), data = fg_data, time_eventrate = var.time[2], line = F, = 3, decimal.percent = 1, weights = 'fgwt')
form <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",, ",", var.event, ") ~ ", group.tbsub, sep = ""))
tbsub <- TableSubgroupMultiCox(form, var_subgroups = vs, var_cov = setdiff(input$cov, vs), data = coxdata, time_eventrate = var.time[2], line = F, = 3, decimal.percent = 1)

form <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",, ",", var.event, ") ~ ", group.tbsub, sep = ""))

tbsub <- TableSubgroupMultiCox(form, var_subgroups = vs, var_cov = setdiff(input$cov, vs), data = coxdata, time_eventrate = var.time[2], line = F, = 3, decimal.percent = 1)
# data[[var.event]] <- ifelse(data[[]] > 365 * 5 & data[[var.event]] == 1, 0, as.numeric(as.vector(data[[var.event]])))
# tbsub<-TableSubgroupMultiCox(as.formula('Surv(mpg,vs)~am'), var_subgroups = 'kk', data=out, time_eventrate = 365 , line = F, = 3, decimal.percent = 1)
len <- nrow(label[variable == group.tbsub])
Expand Down

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