I'll drop here some useful scripts to do things.
Before running some of the Scripts, you must set the openstack variables, or exec your own "keystonerc" file:
export OS_AUTH_URL=xxx
export OS_USERNAME=xxx
export OS_PASSWORD=xxx
export OS_TENANT_NAME=xxx
export OS_REGION_NAME=xxx
This script needs the Openstack environment variables set, it's only purpose is to connect to the remote virtual host: view <vm_id>
It only works in linux :(
Usefull script detailing the traffic every some packets --- Sorry for the crappy code, it was done quickly as a proof of concept... but it was so useful. Someday I'll rewrite it.
usage: caputre2.py <interface> <verbosity> <pcap_filter>
<interface> ::= Device where you want to capture data
<verbosity> ::= 0|1|2
0 - Prints from_IP stats
1 - Prints From IP stats and to IP stats
2 - Prints from IP stats and to IP stats separated in UDP/TCP
<pcap_filter> ::= a libpcap valid filter -- An example migh be
'not net and not host and not host'