This repository was set up to contain code for preparing Melbourne data inputs required for air pollution model.
There is one script, monitoring site locations.R
, which assesses the distance from air quality monitoring sites to roads.
The code requires the following input files, which are available [to authorised users] at [insert location when known]. The code assumes that the input files are located in a data
directory ("../data/") which sits beside the directory in which the script files are located .
File | Content |
data/processed/annual_pm_no2_vic.xlsx | Location of air quality monitoring stations |
data/processed/edgesMelbourne.gpkg | Edges and nodes making up the road network |
data/processed/region.sqlite | Region: the study area for the JIBE project |
data/processed/region_buffer.sqlite | Region, buffered: the region, plus a buffer to limit edge effects |
The code produces the following output file, which is saved to the data/processed
File | Content |
monitoring site location distances to roads.csv | Distance from monitoring site locations to roads |