pip install - r requirements.txt
Current repo uses pre-commit as the linter: To use pre-commit
+ Update all the dependencies to the latest version
pre-commit autoupdate
+ To install the pre-commit script for github
pre-commit install
Example Output when you git commit
check yaml...........................................(no files to check)Skipped
fix end of files.....................................(no files to check)Skipped
trim trailing whitespace.............................(no files to check)Skipped
seed isort known_third_party.............................................Passed
isort................................................(no files to check)Skipped
cblack...............................................(no files to check)Skipped
pylint...............................................(no files to check)Skipped
Below show all the env options available:
+ ENV can be added to set the environment
+ Params available is staging
+ Change naming for config.yaml to config.staging.yaml
+ DEPLOYMENT can be added to set migration.py run
+ Params available is kubernetes
+ Run check base on min_date of the table instead
+ of the event u put in
+ Optional
+ If not mention, it will use the event year value specify in microbatching.py/yearly_partition.py
+ LOGLEVEL can be added if you want to reduce the amount of logs
+ Params available is DEBUG | INFO | WARNING | ERROR
+ Default is set to DEBUG
+ Optional
+ BATCH_SIZE can be added if you want to increase or reduce the yearly partition transaction size
+ Params must only be string int or else it will use the default
+ Default is set to 1000
+ Optional
- The main purpose of the
is to allow the script to known what table, and variables to perform the partitioning on
+ List of table you want to perform partition on
+ Dict to fill in column information
- column:
+ The format of the column information
<column name>: <column field for example see below>
+ How long do you want the data to be in your live db (n + 1) in years?
interval: 3
+ What is the table name ?
name: example
+ Which column are you planning to partition with ?
partition: created_at
+ What is the primary key ?
pkey: id
+ What is the schema of the db ?
schema: test
+ Is there any additional index ? Will be added automatically if there is any, can be ignored
+ The format of the index information
<index name>: <index field for example see below>
- column:
id: int NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('public.payments_id_seq'::regclass)
created_at: timestamp NOT NULL
updated: timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
amount: float
status: varchar
interval: 3
name: payments
partition: created_at
pkey: id
schema: public
index_test_type_id: USING btree (item_type, item_id)
- The main purpose of the
is to allow the script have the required credentials to perform the partitioning
- db_identifier: <database instance name (aws rds: follow the identifier name)>
db_host: <database host>
db_name: <database name>
db_username: <database user>
db_port: <database port in str> (optional)
db_password: <database password> (optional, required if db_ssl does not exist)
remote_host: <tunnel host> (optional)
remote_port: <tunnel port in str> (optional)
remote_username: <tunnel username> (optional)
remote_key: <tunnel public key> (optional, required if remote_password does not exist)
remote_password: <tunnel password> (optional, required if remote key does not exist)
db_ssl: (optional, required if db_password does not exist)
db_sslmode: <database ssl mode> (required)
db_sslrootcert: <database root certificate> (optional)
db_sslcert: <database certificate> (optional)
db_sslkey: <database ssl key> (optional)
aws: (optional, required for migrate.py only)
region: <which aws region is it ?> (optional)
bucket_name: <s3 bucket name to upload the data to > (required)
lambda_arn: <arn for lambda> (required)
lambda_aws_access_key: arn:aws:lambda:{region}:{account_id}:function:{lambda name} (not give, used aws_access_key)
lambda_aws_secret_access_key: <aws user access for lambda> (not give, used aws_secret_access_key)
aws_access_key: <aws user access for postgres/s3 bucket> (required)
aws_secret_access_key: <aws user secret access for postgres/s3 bucket> (required)
- db_identifier: example.com
db_name: postgres
db_username: postgres
db_password: example.com
- db_identifier: example.com
db_name: postgres
db_username: postgres
db_password: example.com
remote_port: "22"
remote_username: ubuntu
remote_key: example.pem
- db_identifier: example.com
db_name: postgres
db_username: postgres
db_password: example.com
remote_port: "22"
remote_username: ubuntu
remote_key: example.pem
region: ap-southeast-1
bucket_name: examplebucket
lambda_arn: arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-1:123:function:example
lambda_aws_access_key: example1
lambda_aws_secret_access_key: test456
aws_access_key: example
aws_secret_access_key: test123
- db_identifier: example.com
db_name: postgres
db_username: postgres
db_password: example.com
remote_port: "22"
remote_username: ubuntu
remote_key: example.pem
db_sslmode: verify-full
db_sslrootcert: example.pem
db_sslcert: example-x509.pem
db_sslkey: test.key
region: ap-southeast-1
bucket_name: examplebucket
lambda_arn: arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-1:123:function:example
lambda_aws_access_key: example1
lambda_aws_secret_access_key: test456
aws_access_key: example
aws_secret_access_key: test123
- There are 4 main scripts to run
- partition.py - Used to perform partitioning
- yearly_partition.py - Used to perform partitioning based on the year provided
- migrate.py - Used to perform migration of partition data from db to s3 bucket and remove the partition
- reverse_partition.py - Used to reverse the partitioning
- Other script to be used:
- check_blocker.py - Used to verified that during partitioning, no table are block
- benchmark.py - Used to perform benchmarking for partitioning, make sure to create your own benchmark.sql