This library tries to bring CRDTs (conflict-free replicated datatypes) to OCaml/ReasonML.
It contains bindings to Automerge library and an attempt to do a pure functional Reason rewrite of the original paper.
It provides three APIs:
Tight Automerge binding (
) - API that closely copies the usage experience of the original JavaScript library, including mutations. See example. -
Automerge binding with unified API (
) - API that emulates more idiomatic functional usage (has no visible mutations). Interface should be universal enough to stay the same even for an eventual purely functional implementation. See example -
Purely functional implementation (
) - Experimental implementation of the original paper. It is much smaller than Automerge, however it lacks a lot of features and performance improvements Automerge added on top of the article. See example.
Add the library to your project using
npm install bs-automerge
and add a corresponding item to your bsconfig.json
"bs-dependencies": ["bs-automerge"],
See examples above for usage.
npm run build
npm run start
After building the project (see above), you can run the examples in the project root folder simply by
node lib/js/examples/UnifiedApi.js
and replace UnifiedApi
with any other example name you wish to run. You can find their implementations in the examples folder.