Author Judy Hoffman ([email protected])
Package with code and demo usage for the paper: "Efficient Learning of Domain-invariant Image Representations" J. Hoffman, E. Rodner, J. Donahue, K. Saenko, T. Darrell International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2013.
- Edit the script "AddDependencies.m" to reference two directories
- The path to liblinear_weights/matlab code available at
- The path to Released code from Saenko et al available at
- Edit "Config.m" with desired parameters
- Note if you wish to run experiments like in the paper, do not edit any parameters
- For running the demo script you must download data package at
- (code link at pub #1)
- Once code is downloaded set the DATA_DIR parameter in Config.m to be the path to the dataset.
- To reproduce results from the paper run "demo.m" and pick the source and target domains by changing the Config.m file.
- To run on new data you should look at TrainMmdt.m
- [model, A] = TrainMmdt(labels, data, param)
- Will return a model file that can be used with the predict() function from liblinear-weights
- Must input a struct of the form labels.source,, data.source param should be a struct that contains the MMDT related parameters from Config.m (Namely: C_s, C_t, mmdt_iter)