This software is intended for the inference of Ancestral Alleles (AA) using a whole-genome multiple alignment.
perl --emf EMF_DIR --input INPUT.txt --output OUTPUT.txt
This will go through all the variants in the INPUT.txt file and calculates the AA for each of them. At the moment only a specific TSV file format is supported, but new file format (notably VCF will be supported in the near future).
- Ortheus:, although is recommended
- Muscle:
Much has chenged since the previous verisons, but this is largely inspired by the work done by Kathryn Beal while at the European Bioinformatics Institute ( This was done under the supervision of Javier Herrero, in Paul Flicek's group.
The original files can be found in the Ensembl Compara repository, under modules/Bio/EnsEMBL/Compara/RunnableDB/AncestralAllelesForIndels