npm install
go to ./environment
-> API_URL constant for development
-> API_URL constant for production
Webpack config in ./config
yarn dev
A page will open on localhost:5000.
Build ~ 60s
Live reload, Hot Module Replacement and Vue devtools
yarn dev2
Same as dev but with Webpack-Dashboard
- For Vscode
- Vetur
- Prettier
- Typescript
- Eslint
- Sass
- SublimeText
- Vue-syntax-highlight
- Prettier
- Eslint
- Sass
- WebStorm/PhpStorm/InteliJ
- Vue
- Prettier
- Eslint
yarn prod
- pm2
- minified bundle size
- uglified code
- gzipped
- chunks vendors
- Vue production mode
- drop console logs and comments
yarn prod2
Same as prod but with Nodemon
yarn build:prod
Regenerate the assets