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Parameterize Roff escaping
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The existing lexRoff does some stuff I don't want to deal with in mdoc
just yet, like lexing tbl, and some stuff I won't do at all, like
handling macro and text string definitions and switching between modes.
Uses a typeclass with associated type families to reuse most of the
escaping code between Roff (i.e. man) and Mdoc.

Future work could improve on this so that more lexing code could be
shared between Man and Mdoc. Mdoc inherits Roff's surface syntax so
hypothetically it makes sense to lex it into tokens that make sense for
roff. But it happens that the Mdoc parser is much easier to build with
an Mdoc specific token stream. Some discussion in #10225 about
the rationale.

Adds a test for the roff \A escape, which I accidentally dropped support
for in an earlier iteration without anything complaining.
  • Loading branch information
silby committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent c34edf6 commit 27c54af
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Showing 4 changed files with 295 additions and 221 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pandoc.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -731,6 +731,7 @@ library
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278 changes: 57 additions & 221 deletions src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Roff.hs
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{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Roff
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Yan Pashkovsky and John MacFarlane
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -29,11 +30,11 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Roff

import Safe (lastDef)
import Control.Monad (void, mzero, mplus, guard)
import Control.Monad (void, guard)
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad
(getResourcePath, readFileFromDirs, PandocMonad(..), report)
import Data.Char (isLower, toLower, toUpper, chr, isAscii, isAlphaNum)
import Data.Char (isLower, toLower, toUpper, isAlphaNum)
import Data.Default (Default)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List (intercalate)
Expand All @@ -42,10 +43,9 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Logging (LogMessage(..))
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeRead)
import Text.Pandoc.RoffChar (characterCodes, combiningAccents)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Roff.Escape
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.Text.Normalize as Normalize

-- import Debug.Trace (traceShowId)

Expand All @@ -65,6 +65,59 @@ data LinePart = RoffStr T.Text
| MacroArg Int
deriving Show

instance RoffLikeLexer RoffTokens where
-- The token stream is a list of 'LinePart's
type Token RoffTokens = [LinePart]
type State RoffTokens = RoffState
emit t = [RoffStr t]
expandString = try $ do
pos <- getPosition
char '\\'
char '*'
cs <- escapeArg <|> countChar 1 anyChar
s <- linePartsToText <$> resolveText cs pos
addToInput s
escString = try $ do
pos <- getPosition
(do cs <- escapeArg <|> countChar 1 anyChar
resolveText cs pos)
<|> mempty <$ char 'S'
backslash = do
char '\\'
mode <- roffMode <$> getState
case mode of
-- experimentally, it seems you don't always need to double
-- the backslash in macro defs. It's essential with \\$1,
-- but not with \\f[I]. So we make the second one optional.
CopyMode -> optional $ char '\\'
NormalMode -> return ()
checkDefined name = do
macros <- customMacros <$> getState
case M.lookup name macros of
Just _ -> return [RoffStr "1"]
Nothing -> return [RoffStr "0"]
-- \E is ignored in copy mode
escE = do
mode <- roffMode <$> getState
case mode of
CopyMode -> return mempty
NormalMode -> return [RoffStr "\\"]
escFont = do
font <- escapeArg <|> countChar 1 alphaNum
font' <- if T.null font || font == "P"
then prevFont <$> getState
else return $ foldr processFontLetter defaultFontSpec $ T.unpack font
updateState $ \st -> st{ prevFont = currentFont st
, currentFont = font' }
return [Font font']
processFontLetter c fs
| isLower c = processFontLetter (toUpper c) fs
processFontLetter 'B' fs = fs{ fontBold = True }
processFontLetter 'I' fs = fs{ fontItalic = True }
processFontLetter 'C' fs = fs{ fontMonospace = True }
processFontLetter _ fs = fs -- do nothing

type Arg = [LinePart]

type TableOption = (T.Text, T.Text)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,198 +186,6 @@ eofline = void newline <|> eof <|> () <$ lookAhead (string "\\}")
spacetab :: (Stream s m Char, UpdateSourcePos s Char) => ParsecT s u m Char
spacetab = char ' ' <|> char '\t'

characterCodeMap :: M.Map T.Text Char
characterCodeMap =
M.fromList $ map (\(x,y) -> (y,x)) characterCodes

combiningAccentsMap :: M.Map T.Text Char
combiningAccentsMap =
M.fromList $ map (\(x,y) -> (y,x)) combiningAccents

escape :: PandocMonad m => RoffLexer m [LinePart]
escape = try $ do
escapeGlyph <|> escapeNormal

escapeGlyph :: PandocMonad m => RoffLexer m [LinePart]
escapeGlyph = do
c <- lookAhead (oneOf ['[','('])
escapeArg >>= resolveGlyph c

resolveGlyph :: PandocMonad m => Char -> T.Text -> RoffLexer m [LinePart]
resolveGlyph delimChar glyph = do
let cs = T.replace "_u" " u" glyph -- unicode glyphs separated by _
(case T.words cs of
[] -> mzero
[s] -> case M.lookup s characterCodeMap `mplus` readUnicodeChar s of
Nothing -> mzero
Just c -> return [RoffStr $ T.singleton c]
(s:ss) -> do
basechar <- case M.lookup s characterCodeMap `mplus`
readUnicodeChar s of
Nothing ->
case T.unpack s of
[ch] | isAscii ch && isAlphaNum ch ->
return ch
_ -> mzero
Just c -> return c
let addAccents [] xs = return $ Normalize.normalize Normalize.NFC $
T.reverse xs
addAccents (a:as) xs =
case M.lookup a combiningAccentsMap `mplus` readUnicodeChar a of
Just x -> addAccents as $ T.cons x xs
Nothing -> mzero
addAccents ss (T.singleton basechar) >>= \xs -> return [RoffStr xs])
<|> case delimChar of
'[' -> escUnknown ("\\[" <> glyph <> "]")
'(' -> escUnknown ("\\(" <> glyph)
'\'' -> escUnknown ("\\C'" <> glyph <> "'")
_ -> "resolveGlyph: unknown glyph delimiter"

readUnicodeChar :: T.Text -> Maybe Char
readUnicodeChar t = case T.uncons t of
Just ('u', cs) | T.length cs > 3 -> chr <$> safeRead ("0x" <> cs)
_ -> Nothing

escapeNormal :: PandocMonad m => RoffLexer m [LinePart]
escapeNormal = do
c <- noneOf "{}"
optional expandString
case c of
' ' -> return [RoffStr " "]
'"' -> mempty <$ skipMany (satisfy (/='\n')) -- line comment
'#' -> mempty <$ manyTill anyChar newline
'%' -> return mempty -- optional hyphenation
'&' -> return mempty -- nonprintable zero-width
')' -> return mempty -- nonprintable zero-width
'*' -> escString
',' -> return mempty -- to fix spacing after roman
'-' -> return [RoffStr "-"]
'.' -> return [RoffStr "."]
'/' -> return mempty -- to fix spacing before roman
'0' -> return [RoffStr "\x2007"] -- digit-width space
':' -> return mempty -- zero-width break
'A' -> quoteArg >>= checkDefined
'B' -> escIgnore 'B' [quoteArg]
'C' -> quoteArg >>= resolveGlyph '\''
'D' -> escIgnore 'D' [quoteArg]
'E' -> do
mode <- roffMode <$> getState
case mode of
CopyMode -> return mempty
NormalMode -> return [RoffStr "\\"]
'H' -> escIgnore 'H' [quoteArg]
'L' -> escIgnore 'L' [quoteArg]
'M' -> escIgnore 'M' [escapeArg, countChar 1 (satisfy (/='\n'))]
'N' -> escIgnore 'N' [quoteArg]
'O' -> escIgnore 'O' [countChar 1 (oneOf ['0','1'])]
'R' -> escIgnore 'R' [quoteArg]
'S' -> escIgnore 'S' [quoteArg]
'V' -> escIgnore 'V' [escapeArg, countChar 1 alphaNum]
'X' -> escIgnore 'X' [quoteArg]
'Y' -> escIgnore 'Y' [escapeArg, countChar 1 (satisfy (/='\n'))]
'Z' -> escIgnore 'Z' [quoteArg]
'\'' -> return [RoffStr "'"]
'\n' -> return mempty -- line continuation
'^' -> return [RoffStr "\x200A"] -- 1/12 em space
'_' -> return [RoffStr "_"]
'`' -> return [RoffStr "`"]
'a' -> return mempty -- "non-interpreted leader character"
'b' -> escIgnore 'b' [quoteArg]
'c' -> return mempty -- interrupt text processing
'd' -> escIgnore 'd' [] -- forward down 1/2em
'e' -> return [RoffStr "\\"]
'f' -> escFont
'g' -> escIgnore 'g' [escapeArg, countChar 1 (satisfy (/='\n'))]
'h' -> escIgnore 'h' [quoteArg]
'k' -> escIgnore 'k' [escapeArg, countChar 1 (satisfy (/='\n'))]
'l' -> escIgnore 'l' [quoteArg]
'm' -> escIgnore 'm' [escapeArg, countChar 1 (satisfy (/='\n'))]
'n' -> escIgnore 'm' [escapeArg, countChar 1 (satisfy (/='\n'))]
'o' -> escIgnore 'o' [quoteArg]
'p' -> escIgnore 'p' []
'r' -> escIgnore 'r' []
's' -> escIgnore 's' [escapeArg, signedNumber]
't' -> return [RoffStr "\t"]
'u' -> escIgnore 'u' []
'v' -> escIgnore 'v' [quoteArg]
'w' -> escIgnore 'w' [quoteArg]
'x' -> escIgnore 'x' [quoteArg]
'z' -> escIgnore 'z' [countChar 1 anyChar]
'|' -> return [RoffStr "\x2006"] --1/6 em space
'~' -> return [RoffStr "\160"] -- nonbreaking space
'\\' -> do
mode <- roffMode <$> getState
case mode of
CopyMode -> char '\\'
NormalMode -> return '\\'
return [RoffStr "\\"]
_ -> return [RoffStr $ T.singleton c]
-- man 7 groff: "If a backslash is followed by a character that
-- does not constitute a defined escape sequence, the backslash
-- is silently ignored and the character maps to itself."

escIgnore :: PandocMonad m
=> Char
-> [RoffLexer m T.Text]
-> RoffLexer m [LinePart]
escIgnore c argparsers = do
pos <- getPosition
arg <- snd <$> withRaw (choice argparsers) <|> return ""
report $ SkippedContent ("\\" <> T.cons c arg) pos
return mempty

escUnknown :: PandocMonad m => T.Text -> RoffLexer m [LinePart]
escUnknown s = do
pos <- getPosition
report $ SkippedContent s pos
return [RoffStr "\xFFFD"]

signedNumber :: PandocMonad m => RoffLexer m T.Text
signedNumber = try $ do
sign <- option "" ("-" <$ char '-' <|> "" <$ char '+')
ds <- many1Char digit
return (sign <> ds)

-- Parses: [..] or (..
escapeArg :: PandocMonad m => RoffLexer m T.Text
escapeArg = choice
[ char '[' *> optional expandString *>
manyTillChar (noneOf ['\n',']']) (char ']')
, char '(' *> optional expandString *>
countChar 2 (satisfy (/='\n'))

expandString :: PandocMonad m => RoffLexer m ()
expandString = try $ do
pos <- getPosition
char '\\'
char '*'
cs <- escapeArg <|> countChar 1 anyChar
s <- linePartsToText <$> resolveText cs pos
addToInput s

-- Parses: '..'
quoteArg :: PandocMonad m => RoffLexer m T.Text
quoteArg = char '\'' *> manyTillChar (noneOf ['\n','\'']) (char '\'')

escFont :: PandocMonad m => RoffLexer m [LinePart]
escFont = do
font <- escapeArg <|> countChar 1 alphaNum
font' <- if T.null font || font == "P"
then prevFont <$> getState
else return $ foldr processFontLetter defaultFontSpec $ T.unpack font
updateState $ \st -> st{ prevFont = currentFont st
, currentFont = font' }
return [Font font']
processFontLetter c fs
| isLower c = processFontLetter (toUpper c) fs
processFontLetter 'B' fs = fs{ fontBold = True }
processFontLetter 'I' fs = fs{ fontItalic = True }
processFontLetter 'C' fs = fs{ fontMonospace = True }
processFontLetter _ fs = fs -- do nothing

-- separate function from lexMacro since real man files sometimes do not
-- follow the rules
lexComment :: PandocMonad m => RoffLexer m RoffTokens
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -624,20 +485,6 @@ lexArgs = do
char '"'
return [RoffStr "\""]

checkDefined :: PandocMonad m => T.Text -> RoffLexer m [LinePart]
checkDefined name = do
macros <- customMacros <$> getState
case M.lookup name macros of
Just _ -> return [RoffStr "1"]
Nothing -> return [RoffStr "0"]

escString :: PandocMonad m => RoffLexer m [LinePart]
escString = try $ do
pos <- getPosition
(do cs <- escapeArg <|> countChar 1 anyChar
resolveText cs pos)
<|> mempty <$ char 'S'

-- strings and macros share namespace
resolveText :: PandocMonad m
=> T.Text -> SourcePos -> RoffLexer m [LinePart]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -668,17 +515,6 @@ linePart :: PandocMonad m => RoffLexer m [LinePart]
linePart = macroArg <|> escape <|>
regularText <|> quoteChar <|> spaceTabChar

backslash :: PandocMonad m => RoffLexer m ()
backslash = do
char '\\'
mode <- roffMode <$> getState
case mode of
-- experimentally, it seems you don't always need to double
-- the backslash in macro defs. It's essential with \\$1,
-- but not with \\f[I]. So we make the second one optional.
CopyMode -> optional $ char '\\'
NormalMode -> return ()

macroArg :: PandocMonad m => RoffLexer m [LinePart]
macroArg = try $ do
pos <- getPosition
Expand Down

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