pip install biobert-pytorch==0.9 pytorch-transformers==1.2.0 torch==1.5.1
Ready to use BioBert pytorch weights for HuggingFace pytorch BertModel.
To load the model:
from biobertology import get_biobert, get_tokenizer
biobert = get_biobert(model_dir=None, download=True)
tokenizer = get_tokenizer()
Example of fine tuning biobert here.
Model weights have been downloaded from here and converted
by following the commands described here.pytorch
Specifically, using the command:
pytorch_transformers bert biobert_v1.1_pubmed/model.ckpt-1000000 biobert_v1.1_pubmed/bert_config.json biobert_v1.1_pubmed/pytorch_model.bin
followed by the renaming of the config file:
mv biobert_v1.1_pubmed/bert_config.json biobert_v1.1_pubmed/config.json
all of the other files inside the original weights file have been deleted.