This is repo for source code development for S.DS.P PowerShell module that's available on PowerShell gallery:
Module demonstrates how powerful and easy to use is pure LDAP protocol when wrapped into thin and elegant wrapper provided by classes in System.DirectoryServices.Protocols namespace. For an overview, see Introduction to System.DirectoryServices.Protocols (S.DS.P) article on MSDN.
Module also provides many attribute transforms that converts plain numbers, strings or byte arrays stored in LDAP into meaningful objects easy to work with, and converts them back to original raw format when storing back to LDAP storage.
You can directly install the module from PowerShell session via Install-Module -Name S.DS.P
I also publish pre-release versions for testing of new features; installable via Install-Module -Name S.DS.P -AllowPrerelease
For documentation and code samples, see Wiki pages
Feel free to contribute!