ruTorrent file management plugin with a javascript user interface running on rTorrent bittorrent client
- supported file operations: copy, move, delete, rename, archive, extract, checksum, view, file info
- file checksum functionality with multiple alogorithms supported: sfv, sha256
- text/nfo viewer, with configurable text extensions
- archive file support, with configurable formats
- using 7zip for archive related and file checksum operations
- option to run all operations as chroot user
- virtual jailed home dir support
- using twigjs for views
- integrated menu in Files tab
- hotkey shortcuts for file operations: copy (ctrl+c), move (ctrl+x), paste (ctrl+v), delete, rename (F2)
The plugin runs jailed inside the path configured in $topDirectory
variable in rutorrent/conf/config.php
Its important that this variable is properly including the TRAILING /, the default is '/'
, meaning the root filesystem.
which is not ideal in most cases, since rtorrent SHOULD NOT BE RUN AS ROOT!
You can specify what file extensions are supported for viewing files as text:
$config['textExtensions'] = 'log|txt|nfo|sfv|xml|html';
Currently the plugin supports handling archive files with 7zip and rar (non free). All archive manipulation is done with the use of 7zip, while rar is used ONLY for creation.
The paths for each archive util can be configured by changing with a value suited for your linux distribution in conf.php
// sample config for debian based
$pathToExternals['rar'] = '';
$pathToExternals['7zip'] = '/usr/bin/7z';
For a hint on how to add support for rar see this
Since all extraction is handled by 7zip, you can specify which file extensions are available for extraction using a regex syntax:
// see what 7zip extraction supports as type by file extension
$config['fileExtractExtensions'] = '7z|bzip2|t?bz2|t?g|gz[ip]?|iso|img|lzma|rar|tar|t?xz|zip|z01|wim';
See what archive formats your 7zip supports with: 7z i
Configuration for creating different archive formats is done by specifing each archive extension with its configuration:
// archive type extension and binary for new archive
$config['archive']['type'] = [
'7z' => [
'bin' =>'7zip',
'compression' => [0, 5, 9],
'rar' => [
'bin' =>'rar',
'compression' => range(0, 5),
// using 7z for zip file creation
$config['archive']['type']['zip'] = $config['archive']['type']['7z'];
In the example above we are adding .zip
archive support (as extension) by using the same config as for .7z
The 'bin'
value must a be a valid $pathToExternals
key, ex:
'bin' =>'7zip',
You can anytime create an new issue regarding your problem or discuss it directly on telegram: Also you can contribute with feature suggestions, fixes and documentation at any time.
See these additional filemanager plugins for extended functionality:
- filemanager-media: Media view and screenshots
- filemanager-share: File sharing functionality
- enable more file checksum algos