Opinionated generator for mono-repo web apps.
- Monorepo with npm7 workspaces (backend, core, frontend)
- No framework. Plain Typescript functions and API Gateway routing to Lambdas running in VPC
- TypeORM & Postgres
- Cognito
- npm 7
- yeoman
- jkv2 generator
npm i -g npm@7 yo generator-jkv2
yo jkv2
yo jkv2:model
# Create a new TypeORM model and CRUD for it -
yo jkv2:api
# Create a new API endpoint for a model -
npm run db:init:local
# Re-creates local DB, migrates and seeds it -
npm run db:migrate:generate -n $name
# Create a new migrations -
npm run sls:deploy:dev
# Deploy to the dev environment
Currently VPC connection is recommended.
It offers DB driver that doesn’t have problems with types unlike the one used by Aurora Data API. However using it is a bit more pricy and there are problems with Lambda timeouts after hitting 10 requests per second on a Lambda. Once the Data API is somewhat more mature we should consider switching to it.
lambda-middleware and class-validator packages are used for incoming request body validation.
Currently when serializing responses there’s no option to exclude unwanted fields.
In your .env.local
or in your env variables config on e.g. Netlify you'll have to assign the following env variables:
To find some of the values you should login to your aws account