Web application creating daily scrum boards for use across project sprint.
Daily Scrum solves the problem of having remote teams needing a central board to look at for daily scrums. It allows team members to create note cards for daily scrum meeting over the course of a project sprint. Users answer three questions each day.
- What did I accomplish yesterday?
- What am I working on today?
- What are the roadblocks?
##Trello Follow my project development on Trello
##Technologies Used Project built using Ruby on Rails, Bootstrap, Gliffy, and good 'ole pen and paper.
##Install To pull down to your computer, fork or clone this repo and open on your system. Run 'bundle install' and open in editor of your choice.
##Unsolved Problems
- Note able to delete a board until all notecards for that board have been deleted. Would like to figure out how to do the "delete with no constraints" action available in SQL in Active Record.
- Routes include commented out redirection for any boards/:board_id path to boards/:board_id/notecards. As currently written in the code, this doesn't work with boards/new.
##Coming Features
- Comments on notecards
- Adding columns to user table to capture more information about the user including name and user name.
- Self-referentials tags so that users can tag one another to help resolve roadblocks.
- User page showing boards and notecards only related to that user and displaying relevant tags.
- AWS upload of images so users can upload screenshots of roadblocks if applicable.
- Delete or archive boards with no constraints so that an authorized user can manage old boards.
##Contact information Create an issue on this repo with any questions.
##Thank you!