The objective of this challenge was to build a to-do list that uses React as the primary framework on the front-end.
The to-do list should demonstrate the CRUD principles in actions.
- C: Create a new task by entering the task name and assigned to values and hitting the Add Task button.
- R: Read the tasks from the database and display them to the user.
- U: Update an existing task by assigning a different person to it and/or changing the task name.
- D: Delete an existing task.
All of the CRUD actions take place against a PostgreSQL database.
The tasks are listed in order of most recently created.
To use the fully functional to-do list, please visit: coming soon
The following should be installed before attempting to use the to-do list:
- Node.js - javascript runtime
- Express - a web framework for Node.js. Can be installed by typing npm install express in the terminal.
- Postgresql - an open source relational database. Can be installed by typing npm install pg in the terminal.
- Axios - Promise based HTTP client. Type npm install axios in the terminal to install Axios.
- sweetAlert2 - customizable and accessible popup boxes. Type npm install sweetalert2 in the terminal to install sweetAlert2
In order to get the to-do list up and running, do the following:
- Download code locally from github.
- Create the database and corresponding table:
- Using your favorite relational database client (I use Postico(, go to the area/tab that allows you to run a query. Run the query found in the Create database.sql file. This will create the weekend_to_do_app database.
- Then, within the weekend_to_do_app database, run the query found in the Create table tasks.sql file. This will create the tasks table.
- Launch the application locally.
- Go to your terminal and type 'npm start server'. This will start a local server on port 5000.
- Open another terminal session and type 'npm start client'. This will start the to-do list on port 3000.
A user can create a new task by entering a task name(required) and assigning a person to the task. The task is saved to the database by clicking on the 'Add Task' button. The list of tasks is updated with the new task.
A user can update the task by clicking on the pencil button. This will launch a popup that will allow the user to enter a new task name and a new person assigned to the task. After clicking the "ok" button, the list of tasks will be updated with the changes. The database will also have the update.
A user can complete a task by clicking on the checkmark button. This will change the background color of the row to green and also place a checkmark box under the column "Completed". A timestamp will be displayed under the "Date Completed" column.
A user can also delete a task from the list. This is done by clicking on the garbage button. The task will be deleted from the database.
- React
- Bootstrap
- sweetalert2
- Node.js
- Axios
- Express
- Postgresql
If you have suggestions or questions, please email me at [email protected].