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This is a frontend library for React from Jenesei Software. Test.

Customize the theme

To use themes in your application, create a declaration themes file and extend styled-comments as follows:

// styled.d.ts
import 'styled-components';
import { IJeneseiTheme } from '@jenesei-software/jenesei-ui-react';

declare module 'styled-components' {
  export interface DefaultTheme extends IJeneseiTheme {
    // Your additional theme properties

Import JeneseiTheme and JeneseiGlobalStyles from our library and apply them in the root component of your application:

// app.tsx
import {
} from '@jenesei-software/jenesei-ui-react'

import 'react-ripple-click/dist/index.css'
import 'react-toggle/style.css'

function App() {
  return (
      <ThemeProvider theme={JeneseiTheme}>
        <JeneseiGlobalStyles />
        {/* Your components */}

Customize the cookie and local storage

import '@jenesei-software/jenesei-ui-react'

declare module '@jenesei-software/jenesei-ui-react' {
  export interface ValidCookieObject {
    access_token: string
    refresh_token: string
  export interface ValidLocalStorageObject {
    access_token: string
    refresh_token: string


Installing dependencies

To work correctly you need to install the following dependencies:

npm install react --save
npm install react-dom --save
npm install styled-components --save