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Machine Learning in R with Tidymodels on Biomedical Molecular Data

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My Machine Learning Cookbook - Jeffrey Long Machine Learning in R with tidymodels, {parsnip}, {tidymodels}, {broom.mixed}, {rstan}, {skimr}, {yardstick} jeffreyCarlLong GitHub R Vignette
{tidymodels} Hadley Wickham brings ML to R tidy() tidy package
{broom} Tidies 100+ models from popular modeling packages and almost all of the model objects in the stats package that comes with base R, tidy(), glance(), augement(), vignette("broom") broom package
{recipes} Feature engineering steps to process data, step_date(), step_holiday(), step_rm(), convert indicator variables to one hot encoding recipes package
{workflows} pairs a model and a recipe together workflow(), add_model(), add_recipe()
{rsample} Data splitting to create training and testing sets, initial_split(), training(), testing() rsample package
{rstanarm} Bayesian prior distributions for rstanarm models, stan_glm(), prior, prior_intercept, linear_reg rstanarm package
{parsnip} Train models with different engines, model type (random forests, linear regression, LSVM), mode (classification, regression), computational engine (R packages, methods), set_engine() parsnip package, parsnip models
{yardstick} ROC curves, predicted model metrics, roc_curve() and roc_auc() yardstick package
easystats: Quickly investigate model performance Inspiration to learn tidymodels R Bloggers
Mixing centered and non-centered parameterizations in a hierarchical model with PyMC3 Hierarchical models Joshua Cook
Meetup slides: Introducing Deep Learning with Keras General Keras slides Shirin's playgRound
How to call bullshit on AI companies (aka a short lesson on recall) precision, recall, accuracy Cartesian Faith
ML models: What they can’t learn? True model plots R Bloggers
Automated Feature Selection Using bounceR GitHub Repo Statworx
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Machine Learning Crash Course TensorFlow APIs Google Course
Machine Learning Modeling in R Cheat sheet The R Trader
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TensorFlow for Poets Python Notebook for ML Gist
Google Calab Train your ML Model 4 FREE Upload Python Notebook
Train Your Machine Learning Models on Google’s GPUs for Free — Forever Google Collab Hackernoon
15 Types of Regression You Should Know Stats, fit code, ggPlots Listen Data
TensorFlow for R Slides and Book recommendations R-bloggers
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TensorFlow Machine Learning API from Google TensorFlow Basics
MNIST Machine learning with TensorFlow MNIST TensorFlow
What's the difference between data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence? Good explanation in lay language David Robertson's Blog- Variance Explained
Building a neural network from scratch in R Is it a hot dog? Tea & Stats, data science with David Selby
Deep Learning from first principles in Python, R and Octave Decision boundary with hidden units i and learning rate j Giga Thoughts Part I, and Part II


Machine Learning in R with Tidymodels on Biomedical Molecular Data






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