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Octokit Documentation

jeffWelling edited this page Apr 18, 2011 · 4 revisions

###Octokit Documentation Because Octokit, like so many other Git ruby gems, has so little documentation at the time of this writing (April 18 2011), I've had to create my own documentation.

irb(main):007:0> pp n.issue_comments("jeffWelling/ticgit", 4)
"created_at"=>"2011/02/28 16:20:17 -0800",
"Because my priorities are currently with the console command and not with ticgitweb, I don't plan on resolving this issue in the immediate future.\r\nI will leave this issue open as a reminder though for when my priorities allow me to spend time on it.",
"updated_at"=>"2011/02/28 16:20:17 -0800",
"created_at"=>"2011/04/11 03:20:39 -0700",
"I just fixed a problem with ticgitweb not running, so while I'm still ticgitweb-ing, I'll take a look at this as well.",
"updated_at"=>"2011/04/11 03:20:39 -0700",
=> nil

irb(main):009:0> issues=n.issues("jeffWelling/ticgit")

irb(main):010:0> pp issues[0]
"created_at"=>"2010/11/19 07:13:40 -0800",
"When I add comment, through console, it doesn't appear when I reload ticgitweb page. (It is running locally)",
"title"=>"Comments issue",
"updated_at"=>"2011/04/11 03:20:39 -0700",
=> nil

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