This project is a streaming data pipeline to process first click attribution for e-commerce checkout. Its goal is it to identify, real time, for every product purchased, the click that led to this purchase. There are multiple tipes of attributions on e-commerce business.
This project is inspired on this post and recreated using different stack.
Processing pipeline is created using apache beam with python SDK and executed on a docker container.
This project consists of:
- data_gen python script, which generate fake data for users, clicks and checkouts. This replaces applications on a production environment, which will be generating the actions executed by users;
- Google Pub/Sub topics, which receive events for clicks and checkouts as messages to be processed;
- Redis cluster to store data from users to be used as enrichment on attribution pipeline
- Apache beam streaming / real-time pipeline that reads messages from clicks and checkout Pub / Sub, enrich with information from users, makes attribution of first click to checkout and stores it on Google Bigquery
- Google Bigquery table to store final data
Above architecture is generated with help from five docker containers orchestrated with docker-compose:
- redis: redis cluster
- datagen: runs script to generate fake data
- create_bq_table: creates Bigquery table for final storage
- create_pubsub: creates PubSub topics and subscriptions for clicks and checkout
- streaming: runs streaming pipeline to process messages
Developer: @jefersonmsantos
Create a project on GCP console
Create a service-account on this project, with the following permissions:
- Pub/Sub Admin
- Bigquery Data Editor
- Bigquery Job User
Generate a json key for this service account, and save it inside folders:
- streaming
- create_bigquery_table
- create_pubsub
- data_gen
Execute command:
docker-compose up -d