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Jon Robson edited this page Jun 22, 2019 · 6 revisions

William Robson (born 1834)

Thank you to Clive Hodgson for providing all this information.

Son of John Robson and Jane Watson.

William was born 9th November 1834 in Wincomb Lea (possibly Walker) and died 12th January 1914.

He married Jane Wilkinson on May 25th 1857.

Family portrait of William, wife Jane and family. Pictured is grandchild Arthur (son of John Thomas) and some of their children including son-in-law (Christopher Hill Hodgson). The back of the photo states it was taken at 'The Farm'. The location is a mystery. Do you know?

Family portrait of William, wife Jane and family. Pictured is grandchild Arthur (son of John Thomas) and some of their children including son-in-law (Christopher Hill Hodgson). The back of the photo states it was taken at 'The Farm'. The location is a mystery. Do you know? They had nine known children - the first two were born in Blythe, Northumberland: John Thomas Robson (born 1859) and Margaret Robson (born 1860); Jane Ann (born 1863-1931); and then the latter 5 in Sunderland - Isabella Robson (1865), Barbara(1867), Mary Anna (1869), Emily (1872-1924), William (1877 who died at 20 months old) and William (1879).

John Thomas (known as Jack) married a lady called Dorothy. They had six children - all pictured below - Harry, Dorothy (Dot), Jennie, Winnie, Arthur (also pictured above) and Bertha.

Jane Ann, married Christopher Hill Hodgson (a grocer and part time photographer) and had four children, William Robson Hodgson (WRH), Norah, Ena and Mary. All are pictured in the photo above.

Family portrait of William and family sent to New Zealand in the 1920's.

Isabella married a Garrow and had one child (Ella).

Mary Anna (known as Nanna) married Jack Curry and had one known child Jack Curry Junior.

Their youngest son, William married Amy and had two children, shown but names unknown.

William Robson worked in the timber business (W. Robson & Co., East Side, South Dock, Sunderland). His two sons continued the business.

The timber business owned by William Robson

In 1886 the Robson family were living at 6 Harold Street, Sunderland (from marriage certificate). The 1871 census still has them at this address. They had previously lived at 36 Henry Street (1861 census), sharing it with another family. Harold Street lay off South Salem Street and was destroyed in WW2. Harold Square now stands on the location. According to the 1911 census return, the house in Harold Street had 9 rooms (on 3 floors). Plans show it to be terraced. Similar houses exist in adjacent street (2009).

He died January 12th 1914 a rich man leaving the very considerable sum of £24,058-6-0. His gross estate was worth (2009 £s) £1,710,000 by rpi or £8,950,000 using average earnings.

Gravestone of William Robson. It reads In loving memory of William Robson died January 12th 1914 aged 79 years and of Jane Robson his wife died February 3rd 1916 aged 84 years. Emily Robson daughter of above died October 25th 1924 died 32 years and William son of above died April 28th 1877 aged 1 year & 8 months.

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