Logs Analysis is an exercise in the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Program used to teach data extraction and reporting methods. The python script for this exercise contains SQL queries which return the three most popular articles, the three most popular authors, and days on which more than 1% of requests led to errors.
Install VirtualBox and Vagrant. Start the Vagrant VM by opening a terminal (I suggest using Git Bash), then cd
to the vagrant directory and run vagrant up
. Currently, a working version of Python 2 is installed by default, but if you need to install Python, run sudo apt install python2.7 python-pip
. Also download the newsdata.sql
file from this link and place the file into the shared vagrant
directory. In my instance, after I launched a vagrant session using vagrant ssh
, I was defaulted into the wrong /vagrant
directory and had to cd ..
a couple times back into the root directory to find the shared /vagrant
directory, so be on the lookout for this issue. When you are in the correct directory with the newsdata.sql
file, run psql -d news -f newsdata.sql
to create the tables and populate the data into the news
Run the logsanalysis.py
script by entering python logsanalysis.py
at the Vagrant command line. Your results should look like this:
What are the most popular three articles of all time?
1 . Candidate is jerk, alleges rival - 338647 views
2 . Bears love berries, alleges bear - 253801 views
3 . Bad things gone, say good people - 170098 views
Who are the most popular article authors of all time?
1 . Ursula La Multa - 507594 views
2 . Rudolf von Treppenwitz - 423457 views
3 . Anonymous Contributor - 170098 views
On which days did more than 1% of requests lead to errors?
1 . 2016-07-17 - 2.26 %
If you are experiencing psql
errors try installing the VM in a fresh directory. Some errors can also be resolved by running vagrant reload --provision