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Jason Hall edited this page Jan 9, 2018 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the lightshowpi-ESP8266 wiki!

Some assembly required

I ran my Raspberrypi with 2 wireless dongles. I had one on the local home network that I could log into my RPi with to manage it and one strictly for the broadcast messages to the ESP8266's. The 3000mW dongle that I linked to in the projects README didnt have any signal issues with especially since it comes with high gain antennas.

Flashing the firmware

I am a command line junkie and run linux mainly at home so a lot of the tools are going to be command line.

GitHub repo

Quick usage

# --port /dev/ttyUSBX  write_flash -fm dio 0x00000 8266/firmware/nodemcu-master-float-good.bin

The command above is for an ESP8266 module with at least 4Mb of flash memory. You can verify the flash size by running the following command

# --port /dev/ttyUSBX --flash-size

There are other tools to flash the firmware. You can find them on the NodeMCU documentation page NodeMCU documentation

Uploading the code with NodeMCU-tool

First install NodeMCU-tool following the instruction on the github repo page Then you can format and upload the new code to your 8266 module.

# nodemcu-tool mkfs --port=/dev/ttyUSBX
# nodemcu-tool upload --port=/dev/ttyUSBX *.lua --optimize
# nodemcu-tool reset --port=/dev/ttyUSBX

-- if your having trouble finding where your device is connected
# nodemcu-tool devices
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