This code contains a set of routines that build a library that is useful for generating the parameters required to run a GFN-FF calculation or the periodic equivalent, pGFN-FF.
The starting point for the main part of the parameter generation is the original GFN-FF force field of Spicher and Grimme, Angewandte Chemie Intl. Ed., 131, 11195 (2020) and associated code within the XTB program ( This has been modified to allow for the changes proposed in the pGFN-FF method by Gale, LeBlanc, Spackman, Silvestri and Raiteri, J. Chem. Theory Comput., 17, 7827 (2021).
The code provided contains the routines to create the library and an example main program that calls the library to generate the relevant parameters.
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