Drawing a Mandelbrot fractal in the browser, importing a Rust function compiled to WebAssembly. Compare speed with raw JS.
See /docs/ to start the project.
source ../emsdk-portable/emsdk_env.sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
rustc --target=wasm32-unknown-emscripten src/mandelbrot.rs -o weba/mandelbrot.html
The build goes to /weba/. It produces a ".wasm", a ".js" and a ".html" file.
- The .wasm is the WebAssembly binary file.
- The .html is ready to load in a browser with a built-in console.
- The .js is the file to load in a
tag in order to use wasm functions in JS.
Go to /weba/
Run a web server at localhost:8000:
``` python -m SimpleHTTPServer ```
Make sure web assembly is enabled in the browser
- Chrome:
-> "WebAssembly" stuff - Firefox:
-> "wasm" stuff
- Chrome:
Go to localhost:8000/index.html in a browser.