This is an Angular conversion of my React Futurama Fan Wiki.
- Angular
- Angular CLI version 17.0.3.
- Futurama API
- I converted this specifically to use Cypress' intercept method.
- If you were to add SSR or SSG, the intercept method won't work without modification.
- I haven't found a good example of Angular SSR testing yet.
- If you pass an id that doesn't exist on the API, the detail page renders nothing. I used an @else block but that would flash until the API request completed.
- Could refactor to use httpClient and catchError or improve the fetch implementation with a try / catch ?
- I limited the amount of character sayings returned in the @for loop by adding slice (
- Fetch error handling
- You could use
for the alt tag. I think all head-shots are empty strings.
- transform - json to typescript
- CSS Reset - a more modern css reset
- tektutorialshub - angular folder structure best practices
- Stack Overflow - async await in angular ngOnInit
- Github - sourceMap error when you don't add a
file inside the cypress folder - Cypress Docs - configure tsconfig.json
- - fetch api error handling
- Sentry - how do I test for an empty js object
- YouTube - You might be using fetch with async/await wrong...
- Stack Overflow - how can i limit ngFor repeat to some number of items in angular