Angular webapp for Manage User accounts from Google's Admin Directory. Domain user's entities adapted to fit "Escuela Rafael Díaz Serdan" requirements (personal data, students and teachers block enrollment, manage groups and courses, view and edit information as an Admin and Superadmin in Google Workspace, and many more).
Create school grades reports from Google Classroom submissions.
See Documentation for this project at: Escuela RDS Doc.
See Demo app for this project at: Escuela RDS.
- Angular 12
- Angular Material 12 with custom theme and dark theme
- NGRX State Management 12 (@ngrx/route-store & @ngrx/data)
- Angular FontAwesome 5.15.1
- Angular Flex-layout 12
- Full Angular PWA 12
- Lasy Loading & SEO.
- Ngx-bootstrap 6.2.0 with Bootstrap 5.0.2
- Google API Auth2 (via GAPI with @types/gapi.auth2) & and Firebase Authentication
- Google Classroom Client (via GAPI with @types/gapi.client.classroom)
- Google Firebase for FireHosting
- Google Firebase Real-Time Database & Firestore
- CompoDoc for automated documentation.
- Angular PWA assets generator for icons.
Fig. 1 - View example
Fig. 2 - View example
Fig. 3 - View example
Fig. 4 - View example
Fig. 5 - View example
Fig. 6 - View example
Fig. 7 - View example
If you want to use this repository as a template, run:
git clone
then, enter the workspace directory:
cd classroom-rds
and install NPM packages:
npm install
This repository has the following pre-requisites:
- NodeJS
- Google Firebase Account (optional for Hosting and further features)
- Angular CLI
The Angular CLI, CompoDoc, PWA asset generator comes with NPM install. If you want to use Angular CLI as a shell command:
npm i -g @angular/cli
By default, this project generate documentation with Material Theme in docs/ directory.
To generate documentation:
npm run doc:g
Build in production environment and deploy on Google Firebase
npm run deploy
To reset project just type:
npm run reset
To generate Apple icons, MS-Tiles and splash run:
npm run pwa:asset-std-logo