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vim/neovim/kakoune session handler within tmux




  • Each tmux session has its own editor session
  • One global editor session can be started
  • Suports gvim, vim, neovim and kakoune
  • Seamless integration with gvim, vim, nvim, kak through wrapper scripts that directly call vmux - keep your muscle's memory :-)
  • Once a session has been started in one editor, e.g. nvim, the session will be reused even if another editor is called, e.g. vim or kak
  • A new session is started if the old session doesn't exist anymore
  • Automatically select tmux pane running the local or global vim session


Python3 is required as well as tmux and vim, gvim or nvim.

Via PyPI

Install vmux using pip:

pip install vmux

From Source

Clone the repository and install vmux:

git clone
cd vmux
make DESTDIR=~/.local install

# if wrapper scripts are desired, install them as well
make DESTDIR=~/.local all

# add ~/.local/bin to PATH variable
export PATH="${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}"


Start editor session through vmux or vim.vmux, nvim.vmux and gvim.vmux wrapper scripts:

# split tmux window

Once a session has been started, it doesn't matter anymore which editor has been used. vmux will open every file in the existing session even if a wrapper script of a different editor is used.


Define default editor:

# export environment variable VMUX_EDITOR, either vim or nvim
export VMUX_EDITOR=nvim

Define path to the real editor executables. This is required if the wrapper scripts are used that will hide the real editors in $PATH.

export VMUX_REALEDITOR_GNVIM=/usr/bin/gnvim
export VMUX_REALEDITOR_GVIM=/usr/bin/gvim
export VMUX_REALEDITOR_KAK=/usr/bin/kak
export VMUX_REALEDITOR_NVIM=/usr/bin/nvim
export VMUX_REALEDITOR_NVIM_QT=/usr/bin/nvim-qt
export VMUX_REALEDITOR_NVR=/usr/bin/nvr
export VMUX_REALEDITOR_VIM=/usr/bin/vim

Define that a global session should be started. One global and multiple local sessions can exists next to one another:

export VMUX_GLOBAL=1

Define that the tmux pane shall not be selected automatically:


Define socket path for nvim:

export VMUX_NVIM_SESSION_DIR=~/.cache/nvim_sessions

Turn on debugging:

export VMUX_DEBUG=1

How it works

When vmux is called, it defines a variable VMUX_SESSION_<ID> that is unique to the current tmux session. The value of the variable is set to <ID> that is used as session name for vim.vmux and nvim.vmux. Furthermore, the global session that is started through gvim.vmux is stored in the environment variables VMUX_SESSION and VMUX_GLOBAL_PANE. The session name is set to global.

Known issues

I noticed with neovim that the session socket doesn't always get removed when it ends. This might causes vmux to permanently fail to start a new session. It can be manually resolved by deleting the stalled socket file in neovim's session folder.

Similar projects

  • tmux-omnivim creates one global session while vmux creates one session per tmux session and it also supports one global session next to multiple local sessions.
  • creates one global
  • neovim-remote tmux-nvr creates one global session while vmux creates one session per tmux session and it also supports one global session next to multiple local sessions.


vim/neovim session handler within tmux







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