The new Engine API works great with both Hapi 17 (in the official docs) and Hapi 16. This repo is a quick demo of getting engine up and running with Hapi 16.
In a copy paste form, here is the contents of index.js
that you can run directly!
const hapi = require("hapi");
const { graphqlHapi } = require("apollo-server-hapi");
const { makeExecutableSchema } = require("graphql-tools");
const { ApolloEngine } = require("apollo-engine");
const host = "localhost";
const PORT = 3000;
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: `type Query { hello: String @cacheControl(maxAge: 240) }`,
resolvers: { Query: { hello: () => "world" } },
// needs to be async for the proxy to start up
const start = async () => {
// configure Engine (this is where you would add in thing like cache config)
const engine = new ApolloEngine({
apiKey: process.env.ENGINE_API_KEY,
// connect to the engine proxy
const listener = await engine.hapiListener({ port: PORT });
// create a hapi server
const server = new hapi.Server();
// setup engine to the be listener for the hapi app!
server.connection({ host, listener, autoListen: false });
// setup graphql endpoint
register: graphqlHapi,
options: {
path: "/graphql",
// turn on cacheControl support and tracing
graphqlOptions: { schema, tracing: true, cacheControl: true },
route: { cors: true },
// start the server!
server.start(err => {
if (err) throw err;
const { protocol, host } =;
`Server running at: ${protocol}//${host}:${PORT} with Engine in front!`
// run the above function
To run a load test to get information about Engine timing, do the following steps:
npm start
npm run load:with-engine
npm run load:with-hapi -- -t http://localhost:<port>
is replaced with the port hapi is on from step 1
This will generate two files (engine.json
, and hapi.json
) with timing data included for comparision