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Built using a Node and Express server, Mongoose, and MongoDB along with minimal frontend JavaScript and jQuery.
- AAU, I want to create an account using Google OAuth
- AAU, I want to be able to login
- AAU, I want to be able to create a post based on my current skills and specifify the technologies I want to learn or want to improve.
- AAU, I want to be able to comment and like other Project posts
- AAU, I want to be able to edit and delete my posts
- AAU, I want to be able to edit and delete my comments
- When making fetch request to API for comments, only fetch once.
- Clean and optimize client side JavaScript used for handling likes as well as post and comment editing.
- Due to EJS use, use partials to decrease initial file size and ensure changes made to one partial transfer to all pages
- User to user messaging - See development branch
- Subcommenting - Facebook style embedding comment within comment.
- Users can enable category suggestion for when they post.
- If a user consistently posts, category will be preset to their most used category
- User profile customization - Custom avatar and layout.
- Admin tools
- Metrics systems