Mixpanel is a great analitics platform, but unfortunetally there is no official integration library for .NET. So if you are writing code on .NET and want to use Mixpanel, then mixpanel-csharp
can be an excellent choice. mixpanel-csharp
main idea is to hide most api details (you don't need to remember what time formatting to use, or in which cases you should prefix properties with $
) and concentrate on data that you want to analize.
- Supports full Mixpanel HTTP Tracking API
- Send tracking messages synchronously or asynchronously, pack them into batches, create messages to send them later
- Pass message data in form that you prefer: predifined contract,
IDictionary<string, object>
, anonymous type or dynamic - Add properties globally to all messages with super properties. Usable for properties such as
- Great configurability. For example you can provide your own JSON serializer or function that will make HTTP requests
- No dependencies. Keeps your project clean
- Runs on .NET 4.5 and .NET Standard 1.1
- Good documentation
var mc = new MixpanelClient("e3bc4100330c35722740fb8c6f5abddc");
await mc.TrackAsync("Level Complete", new {
DistinctId = "12345",
LevelNumber = 5,
Duration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)
This will send the following JSON to https://api.mixpanel.com/track/
"event": "Level Complete",
"properties": {
"token": "e3bc4100330c35722740fb8c6f5abddc",
"distinct_id": "12345",
"LevelNumber": 5,
"$duration": 60
var mc = new MixpanelClient("e3bc4100330c35722740fb8c6f5abddc");
await mc.PeopleSetAsync(new {
DistinctId = "12345",
Name = "Darth Vader",
Kills = 215
This will send the following JSON to https://api.mixpanel.com/engage/
"$token": "e3bc4100330c35722740fb8c6f5abddc",
"$distinct_id": "12345",
"$set": {
"$name": "Darth Vader",
"Kills": 215
Copyright © 2019 Aleksandr Ivanov
is licensed under MIT. Refer to LICENSE for more information.