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WORK IN PROGRESS: This is alpha code. Please backup your data before using this on your pdfs.

Pdf REference Manager: Simple PDF file based CLI reference management. Prem means love in some Indian languages.

Rewritten from a bash script that I had built for my own pdf-file-based reference management system.


  • Simple python CLI application
  • No pdf renderer included
  • Find article doi (or any supported identifier) from existing pdf metadata or within pdf text
  • Fetch article metadata from crossref (or any other supported source)
  • store article metadata in pdf metadata
  • rename pdfs based on metadata
  • Source/identifier combos supported:
    • CrossRef/DOI
    • arXiv/arXivID

This allows us to work with just pdf files, and name and store them in any way we want. No additional metadata files. This also allows us to use tools like ripgrepa, pdfgrep, and recoll with our pdf library without duplication.

Another software to handle keywords is in the works. It might be incorporated into this project.


pip install git+


  • See requirements.compiled for a guaranteed working python dependency chain.
  • Developed and tested on Linux with Zathura PDF reader.
  • Uses pikepdf for reading and writing pdfs
  • Uses pdfplumber for converting pdf to text when necessary
  • Uses click.edit() for easy text editing
  • Uses pyfzf for fuzzy selection


prem [ARGS | FLAGS] [PDF_FILES...]
  • The -a or --auto flag essentially disables the manual query mode when no identifier is automatically found.
  • The -s or --sources argument expects a list of sources. Choices are any of ['crossref', 'arxiv']
  • The -b or --bib argument fetches bibliography info from and dumps it into the provided argument (or ref.bib by default)
  • The -nt or --name-template argument takes a string templated with curly braces to generate pdf names:
    • e.g., "{year} - {author} - {title}" will result in the pdf being renamed in that manner.
    • Only the above tags are currently supported,
    • {author} resolves to the last name of the first author when known.
  • The -d or --doi argument takes a known DOI and fetches info an renames a given pdf.
  • The -m or --mode argument allows switching between operating modes: ['complete', 'classic', 'metadata|meta', 'text', 'manual|query']
    • complete mode: search pdf metadata and text together for identifiers (DOI/arXivID)
      • Complete mode doesn't ignore secondary sources if only one is found in the metadata.
    • classic mode: search pdf metadata -> search pdf text
      • Classic mode will be faster for newer pdfs with identifiers existing within the metadata
    • metadata or meta mode: search for identifiers only in pdf metadata.
    • text mode: search for identifiers only in pdf text
    • manual or query mode: perform manual query. Currently ignores --sources and only queries CrossRef


  • Running the script in --auto mode might result in a wrong doi and bad metadata due to incorrect parsing of pdf text. Typically this would result in an invalid DOI, but a valid DOI for another journal article is not impossible.
  • If multiple identifiers from the same source are found in pdf text, their order may not be deterministic. Currently, only the first of these is used to fetch metadata. If one of them is mangled, running prem with --auto may produce differring results with different runs.
  • Built with pdfs of journal articles in mind. Currently not considering books and other volumes.
  • Sometimes CrossRef and have bad/unsanitized titles:
  • DOIs and identifiers in general evolve and have evolved over time. This means that the current regex might not work well for really old pdfs with different schemes. In this case, manual query should still work. I will eventually fix this.

Reporting issues and bugs

If you encountered a bug or would like to report odd behavior, please open an issue on the GitHub page with a detailed description. You are also welcome to submit a PR.


PDF Reference Manager







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