You should explore the contents of this project. It demonstrates a CDK app with an instance of a
stack (sagemakerStudioCDK
The cdk.json
file tells the CDK Toolkit how to execute your app.
- An AWS profile with permissions to create AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM) roles, Studio domains, and Studio user profiles
- AWS CLI, authenticated and configured
- Python 3.6+
- Git
- Knowledge on how Amazon Sagemaker Studio works.
Step 1: Using your device’s command line, check out our Git repository to a local directory on your device:
git clone
Step 2: Change directories to the new directory that was created during the previous step:
cd aws-cdk-sagemaker-studio/
Step 3: Create a virtual environment:
macOS/Linux: python3 -m venv .cdk-venv
Windows: python -m venv .cdk-venv
Step 4: Activate the virtual environment after the init process completes, and the virtual environment is created:
macOS/Linux: source .cdk-venv/bin/activate
Windows: .cdk-venv\Scripts\activate.bat
Step 5: Install the required dependencies:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Step 6: Synthesize the templates. AWS CDK apps use code to define the infrastructure, and when run, they produce, or “synthesize” an AWS CloudFormation template for each stack defined in the application:
cdk synthesize
Step 7: Deploy the solution.
cdk deploy sagemakerStudioCDK -c existing_vpc_id="<THE_VPC_ID_WHERE_TO_DEPLOY_SAGEMAKER_STUDIO>"
Review the resources that AWS CDK creates for you in your AWS account and choose yes to deploy the stack.
Wait for your stack to be deployed by checking the status on the AWS CloudFormation console.
cdk ls
list all stacks in the appcdk synth
emits the synthesized CloudFormation templatecdk deploy
deploy this stack to your default AWS account/regioncdk diff
compare deployed stack with current statecdk docs
open CDK documentation
Follow this step to remove the resources that were deployed in this post.
cdk destroy
When asked to confirm the deletion of the four stacks, select “y
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.