#The Dead-Simple Step-by-Step Guide for Front-End Developers to Getting Up and Running with Node.JS, Express, Jade, and MongoDB
A tutorial and complete sample project for Front-End developers showing how to get Node, Express and Jade up and running, connected to MongoDB, and reading from / writing to the database.
Double-click the Tutorial file (node_tutorial.html) and follow the instructions! Or you can visit it online. The rest of the project is provided just to show the functioning finished results. The tutorial will show you how to build all of this stuff, from downloading Node all the way to the end.
Christopher Buecheler is a front-end developer for a small San Francisco startup. Previously he's worked for companies like GameSpy, OkCupid, Crispy Gamer, and Comcast. You can visit him at his website.
- /node_modules - all dependencies for tutorial
- /public - static directories suchs as /images
- /routes - route files for tutorial project
- /views - views for tutorial project
- README.md - this file
- app.js - central app file for tutorial project
- browsershot1.png - image for tutorial
- browsershot2.png - image for tutorial
- browsershot3.png - image for tutorial
- browsershot4.png - image for tutorial
- browsershot5.png - image for tutorial
- browsershot6.png - image for tutorial
- node_tutorial.html - the tutorial
- package.json - package info for tutorial project
- prettify.css - helps make the code snippets purdy