This is the submission for the Flutter Clock Challenge.
The app is a clock face for the Lenovo Smart Clock.
- The ClockModel API with mock data is provided to you. Using this API is optional, but it provides system information such as the brightness mode, weather, and time format.
- The clock design should use landscape mode, with a 5:3 aspect ratio.
- You may use Material Design icons.
- Your Submission’s code must be licensed under an appropriate open source license (for code, BSD aka University of California license, MIT license or Apache 2.0 license are recommended; for assets, CC BY 4.0 license or Apache 2.0 license are recommended; for fonts, OFL license is recommended).
- Your clock should not:
- Have user interaction (such as tapping, gestures, dragging, mouse, keyboard, and so on).
- Play audio, including an alarm.
- Make network requests.
- Collect data in violation of applicable laws (including privacy laws).
- Contain copyrighted or trademarked content.
The app has both dark and light themes, and react to weather changes.
Some examples:
Light theme at night:
Light theme at sun rise:
Light theme Snowy:
Light theme at sun set:
Dark theme:
And one of my favorites... Misty weather with the dark theme 🥰
The app works in ios, android and web.
flutter channel stable
flutter upgrade
cd digital_clock
flutter create .
flutter run
Depending on the device you want to run it:
- Javire Elízaga - [email protected]