- javanile/adminer - Database management in a single PHP file.
- javanile/backup -
- javanile/bash-ci - The Premium Docker Image for CI/CD
- javanile/certbot -
- javanile/composer - PHP Composer for Docker Dev Environments
- javanile/crontab - The best crontab container for your docker compose file.
- javanile/dbdiff -
- javanile/docker-ci - The Premium Docker Image for CI/CD
- javanile/docker-compose-job -
- javanile/docker-samba-ad-dc 😪 - Docker container running an Active Directory Domain Controller with Samba4. Docker container running an Active Directory Domain Controller with Samba4. UNMAINTAINED Docker container running an Active Directory Domain Controller with Samba4.
- javanile/fake-ssh-server 😪 - Docker container which can be used in SSH integration tests
- javanile/frontline -
- javanile/gitcut -
- javanile/google-spreadsheet-buffer - Google Spreadsheet Buffer
- javanile/humhub-docker - Alpine-based PHP-FPM and NGINX HumHub docker-container Alpine-based PHP-FPM and NGINX HumHub docker-container Alpine-based PHP-FPM and NGINX HumHub docker-container
- javanile/localhost -
- javanile/loopdoor 😪 - Development ready persistent tunnel 🔐
- javanile/mkdocs -
- javanile/monit-dashboard -
- javanile/mssql -
- javanile/novnc - Ready to use NoVNC client for SeleniumHQ on Docker
- javanile/oauth-playground -
- javanile/openvpn -
- javanile/phpdox -
- javanile/phpservermonitor -
- javanile/proxy - Official Javanile Proxy
- javanile/pwd 😪 -
- javanile/roundcube -
- javanile/selenium-test -
- javanile/smart-rm -
- javanile/sonarqube 😪 -
- javanile/symvol 😪 - Symbolic Volume for Docker
- javanile/tarjam 😪 -
- javanile/upload - 📤 Upload files with cURL and Docker
- javanile/vtiger-dev - vtiger docker image released for development environment
- javanile/vtiger-skeleton 😪 -
- javanile/winexe -
- javanile/xdebug 😪 -
- javanile/bash-package - Standard Bash Package
- javanile/bpkg-ci - BPKG/CI - The power of BPKG on your CI/CD pipelines or workflows
- javanile/bump.sh 😪 -
- javanile/dist.sh - 📦 The perfect ZIP file bundler
- javanile/fork.sh - 🏤 Maintenance strategy for prototype-based projects
- javanile/ghostplay - Automatic terminal input tool - ghost types your script! Automatic terminal input tool - ghost types your script! Automatic terminal input tool - ghost types your script!
- javanile/git-dc 😪 - ☢ Git Dangerous Commands also know GIT-DC
- javanile/gitlab-ci-helper -
- javanile/gitlab-dist -
- javanile/gitlab-knock -
- javanile/inotifywait-polling - 🔔 inotifywait alternative with polling
- javanile/lcov.sh - 🔮 LCOV framework for Shell projects
- javanile/pipetest - ⛲ A minimal set of shell functions useful to implement assertions through pipe chaining. Loved by developer
- javanile/git-auto-commit-action 😪 - Automatically Commit changed Files back to Github with Github Actions Automatically commit and push changed files back to GitHub with this GitHub Action for the 80% use case. Automatically commit and push changed files back to GitHub with this GitHub Action for the 80% use case.
- javanile/jekyll-build-action - Plain in-place Jekyll build action to be used in pipelines with a variety of possible deploy targets Plain in-place Jekyll build action to be used in pipelines with a variety of possible deploy targets Plain in-place Jekyll build action to be used in pipelines with a variety of possible deploy targets
- javanile/make-action -
- javanile/behat - A self-contained Docker image to run Behat with no external dependencies A self-contained Docker image to run Behat with no external dependencies A self-contained Docker image to run Behat with no external dependencies
- javanile/cron-expression - CRON for PHP: Calculate the next or previous run date and determine if a CRON expression is due CRON for PHP: Calculate the next or previous run date and determine if a CRON expression is due CRON for PHP: Calculate the next or previous run date and determine if a CRON expression is due
- javanile/ddeboer-imap - Object-oriented, fully tested PHP IMAP library Object-oriented, fully tested PHP IMAP library Object-oriented, fully tested PHP IMAP library
- javanile/define -
- javanile/dotenv - Loads environment variables from
automagically. - javanile/eventy - WP-like actions and filters for Vtiger WordPress-like actions and filters for Laravel WordPress-like actions and filters for Laravel
- javanile/glossar 😪 -
- javanile/granular 😪 -
- javanile/hamper -
- javanile/hounder -
- javanile/http-robot -
- javanile/human-mink-extension -
- javanile/humhub -
- javanile/ipqueue 😪 -
- javanile/lest -
- javanile/lime 😪 -
- javanile/mail-cli -
- javanile/masterplan 😪 -
- javanile/moldable -
- javanile/moldable.github.io 😪 -
- javanile/mysql-import 😪 -
- javanile/notification -
- javanile/php-access-token -
- javanile/php-gemstone -
- javanile/php-global-var 😪 -
- javanile/php-glossary -
- javanile/php-imap-outlook -
- javanile/php-imap2 -
- javanile/php-imap2-demo -
- javanile/php-input -
- javanile/php-package 😪 -
- javanile/php-sheetbase -
- javanile/php-websocket -
- javanile/producer -
- javanile/propan 😪 -
- javanile/provisioner 😪 -
- javanile/report-ci 😪 -
- javanile/sheetbase -
- javanile/tigermate -
- javanile/todaynotes -
- javanile/vtiger-cli -
- javanile/vtiger-client -
- javanile/vtiger-client-demo 😪 -
- javanile/vtiger-composer 😪 -
- javanile/vtiger-core-installer 😪 -
- javanile/vtiger-custom-function -
- javanile/vtiger-propan 😪 -
- javanile/vtiger-psr4 😪 -
- javanile/vtiger-seed 😪 -
- javanile/webrequest -
- javanile/webrequest-csv -
- javanile/webrequest-json -
- javanile/wirecraft 😪 -
- javanile/yaml 😪 -
- javanile/boor -
- javanile/bootstrap-wizard 😪 -
- javanile/centralio -
- javanile/cliz -
- javanile/crisp -
- javanile/cronicle-client -
- javanile/fixedsys-css -
- javanile/graphql-explorer -
- javanile/hostmon -
- javanile/jsonform -
- javanile/lcov-sh-action 😪 -
- javanile/make.bat -
- javanile/n -
- javanile/nestarch -
- javanile/nodejs-fu 😪 -
- javanile/nodejs-package 😪 -
- javanile/producer-docs -
- javanile/sharp -
- javanile/watch-log 😪 -
- javanile/webrequest-chrome-extensions -
- javanile/webrequest-ui -
- javanile/websync -
- javanile/yamlinc 😪 -
- javanile/azure.javanile.org -
- javanile/binst.tk -
- javanile/blog.lcov.sh -
- javanile/bpkg.javanile.org -
- javanile/cuba -
- javanile/docker-hooks -
- javanile/docs.javanile.org -
- javanile/editorconfig -
- javanile/get.javanile.org -
- javanile/gitcat -
- javanile/install 😪 -
- javanile/javanile.github.io -
- javanile/linkedin-button -
- javanile/mush -
- javanile/packages.javanile.org -
- javanile/password -
- javanile/shell.javanile.org 😪 -
- javanile/springboard -
- javanile/twitter-button -
- javanile/webrequest-roadmap -
- javanile/.github -
- javanile/async-kit -
- javanile/bname -
- javanile/bnm -
- javanile/bpkg-docker -
- javanile/bpkg-status -
- javanile/cask -
- javanile/ci-status -
- javanile/ci.lcov.sh 😪 -
- javanile/cmdlint -
- javanile/contributing -
- javanile/devdb -
- javanile/devhub -
- javanile/devops-tracking -
- javanile/docker-compose -
- javanile/docker-compose-env -
- javanile/docker-entrypoint -
- javanile/docker-status -
- javanile/email-test -
- javanile/forkfile -
- javanile/git-ahead -
- javanile/github-showcase -
- javanile/github-traffic -
- javanile/gitlab-report-ci -
- javanile/glossar.javanile.org 😪 -
- javanile/google-php-imap -
- javanile/helm-charts 😪 -
- javanile/helm-vtiger 😪 -
- javanile/heroku-curlmail -
- javanile/jquery-calcview -
- javanile/jquery-class -
- javanile/lanspeed -
- javanile/logo -
- javanile/mariadb -
- javanile/myddleware 😪 -
- javanile/mysql -
- javanile/mysql.javanile.org -
- javanile/node -
- javanile/olint -
- javanile/openmaintainer -
- javanile/package-manager -
- javanile/path.sh 😪 -
- javanile/php-file -
- javanile/php-json -
- javanile/php-nucrypt -
- javanile/php-object-inspector -
- javanile/php-ssh2 -
- javanile/php7 -
- javanile/phpmyadmin 😪 -
- javanile/powerbar -
- javanile/ppa -
- javanile/r -
- javanile/readme.sh 😪 -
- javanile/refine -
- javanile/rust-cask -
- javanile/scoop-bucket -
- javanile/scoop.bat -
- javanile/services -
- javanile/settings-daemon -
- javanile/shell-stars -
- javanile/sponsors -
- javanile/status.javanile.org -
- javanile/styleci -
- javanile/tokeman -
- javanile/vtiger -
- javanile/vtiger-code-reference 😪 -
- javanile/vtiger-console 😪 -
- javanile/vtiger-core -
- javanile/vtiger-debug 😪 -
- javanile/vtiger-demo -
- javanile/vtiger-docs 😪 -
- javanile/vtiger-i18n 😪 -
- javanile/vtiger-install -
- javanile/vtiger-module-demo 😪 -
- javanile/vtiger-patch -
- javanile/vtiger-preload -
- javanile/vtiger-styleci 😪 -
- javanile/vtiger-tarball -
- javanile/vtiger-uitype -
- javanile/vuejs-overlay-container -
- javanile/webrequest-spreadsheet -
- javanile/websocket-cron -