Project built with NodeJs, allow user login/sign-up. Have 2 role normal user and admin. Admin can remove user
- NodeJs, express
- MongoDB/Mongoose
- Html/Css/Jquery
- Mocha, supertest
- Navigate to folder project and do command : "npm install"
- Install MongoDb and restore dump data from node-backend-member/Getlinks
- Install :
- Dump data : navigate to bin folder and do command "./mongorestore GetLinks --db GetLinks"
- Start application with command : "node src/server.js" -> Navigate browser to "localhost:4200"
- Login with admin user "admin123/123123" Admin can see the list of user and delete them. Normal User only see his info
- Sign up feature.
- Pros : All features are done.
- Cons : UI is not focus on this test.
- run test with command "npm run test-watch"