It uses os.path.realpath() to allow for opening the file in the same project window in the cases where the edited file is accessed through a symbolic link.
Matthew Schinckel <[email protected]> 2009-11-20
It tries to invoke the applescript call through py-appscript which is much faster than the os.system() call to 'osascript'.
Ulrich Petri, mail (at) ulo dot pe 2009-04-11
This module is used to hook up pdb, the python debugger, with TextMate, an advanced text and programming editor for Mac OS, enabling it to display the debugged source code during a pdb session.
After downloading and unpacking the package, you should install the helper module using:
$ python install
Next you need to hook up pdb with this module by add the following to your
from PdbTextMateSupport import preloop, precmd pdb.Pdb.preloop = preloop pdb.Pdb.precmd = precmd
The easiest way to do this is to use the provided script:
$ pdbtmsupport enable
Alternatively you can also do it manually. The .pdbrc
is located in your
home folder and possibly needs to be created first. You may also use the
supplied sample configuration file for pdb to enable the hook like:
$ cp pdbrc.sample ~/.pdbrc
Afterwards TextMate should get started automatically whenever you enter a debug session. The current source line will be displayed simultaneously while stepping through the code. However, having the cursor moved automatically within that source file is not always very obvious, so you might want to use the "Highlight current line" feature, which can be enabled in the "General" tab in TextMate's preferences.
Andreas Zeidler, [email protected], 2007/02/18