This task does not work with the current stable grunt (0.4.0) and has been replaced by grunt-contrib-jasmine
Grunt task for running jasmine specs via phantomjs.
Install this grunt plugin next to your project's [grunt.js gruntfile][getting_started] with: npm install grunt-jasmine-runner
Then add this line to your project's grunt.js
- src : Your source files to test, loaded first
- helpers : Any helpers files to aid in testing, loaded next
- specs : Spec files that contain your jasmine tests
- amd: If true the spec files will be loaded via an AMD
call. - timeout : The timeout where the tests are abandoned
- template : Path to a custom template.
- server :
- port : The port to start the server on, defaults to 8888
- junit :
- output : The output directory for junit xml
- phantomjs : A hash of options to pass to phantomjs eg {'ignore-ssl-errors' : true}
- browser : Open user's default browser automatically? Default true
( all jasmine
task configuration applies to jasmine-server
'jasmine' : {
src : 'src/**/*.js',
specs : 'specs/**/*Spec.js',
helpers : 'specs/helpers/*.js',
timeout : 10000,
template : 'src/custom.tmpl',
junit : {
output : 'junit/'
phantomjs : {
'ignore-ssl-errors' : true
'jasmine-server' : {
browser : false
If the amd
flag is set in the config specs will be loaded via an AMD require
call. This does not make an assumption about the AMD library being used, you must specify the path to that in the helpers option e.g.
helpers: [
Spec files should define the module(s) they are testing directly as the src
config option will be ignored in this case e.g.
define(['/src/myModule.js'], function(MyModule){
describe('MyModule', function(){
// etc...
The base jasmine task requires phantomjs to be installed and in the executable path. Download phantomjs here
After successful configuration, you can run your tests through phantomjs with :
grunt jasmine
Or open in a web browser with
grunt jasmine-server
Here is an example grunt jasmine configuration based off the Pivotal Labs example app.
- v0.6.1: Fixed bug accounting for windows paths
- v0.6.0: Added basic support for AMD loading via requirejs
- v0.5.9: Fixed context issue ("Can't open 'null'")
- v0.5.8: Bugfixes
- v0.5.7: Fixed bug due to grunt 0.3.0/0.4.0 inconsistencies
- v0.5.6: Support for custom templates. Refactored in prep for grunt 0.4.0
- v0.5.5: Verbosity tweaks. Necessitated a push.
- v0.5.4: Added configuration to turn off the automatic browser open
- v0.5.3: Addressing issues #2 & #3. Added better error handling
- v0.5.2: Expanded to some more use cases.
- v0.5.1: First release.
- v0.5.0: (internal) Full rewrite again to dynamically generate specrunner.
- v0.4.1: (internal) Logging
- v0.4.0: (internal) Full rewrite in anticipation of grunt 0.4.0
- v0.3.0: (internal) Adding multiple reporters
- v0.2.5: (internal) Refactoring for performance
- v0.2.4: (internal) Fix phantom config
- v0.2.3: (internal) Update phantom runner, add error logging
- v0.2.2: forked from grunt-jasmine-task
Copyright (c) 2012 Jarrod Overson Licensed under the MIT license.
Portions adapted from grunt core tasks and are copyright Ben Alman and licensed under the MIT license
Forked from by Camille Reynders. No portions of the original code remain.