Project dependencies (such as torch
and flwr
) are defined in ./PRIMES_FLrequirements.txt
. To install those dependencies and manage your virtual environment, use pip, but feel free to use a different way of installing dependencies and managing virtual environments if you have other preferences.
To run experiments using a select strategy, uncomment the strategy among {PrimesStrategy, ClippingStrategy, NormalFedAvg} you wish to use in ./pytorch_quickstart/ and uncomment the rest.
Then, configure the number of clients in pytorch_quickstart/ Note that there are three configurations: --dataset (int: {1 (for MNIST), 2 (for CIFAR-10)}), --fraction (int: larger = smaller data size for client), and --corruption (float: [0, 1], determines proportion of that client's data that is corrupted/zeroed out).
After doing these, run:
Then in another terminal, run:
to see the federated learning experiment begin.
For 10 rounds accuracy overtime on MNIST, change the total rounds in
to 10, set 50 clients in
, with 10 clients in each of these corruption levels: 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9. Set the fraction to 50 (so each client has 1/50 of the total data distribution). Set dataset to 1 for MNIST. After these are ready, uncomment the desired strategy in
For other tests, set the total training rounds in
to 50. For running CIFAR-10, set dataset to 2 in
For the bad/good client ratio test, set 50 clients in
, with varying ratios of clients in these corruption levels: 0.6 (bad clients), 0.1 (good clients).