Download, transcode to mp3, embed album artwork, & tag lossless audio from The Internet Archive (
Transcodes to 320 kbps
or V0
mp3 using ffmpeg
& libmp3lame
Usage: tia-audio [--quality QUALITY] [--dir DIR] URL
Positional arguments:
URL details url
--quality QUALITY mp3 quality: 320, V0
--dir DIR directory where files will be saved
--help, -h display this help and exit
--version display version and exit
Get latest source, run:
go get
Navigate to source path, run:
cd $GOPATH/src/
Ensure dependencies are installed and up-to-date with dep
, run:
dep ensure
From within source path, run:
go build
The binary will build to the current directory. To test by displaying usage, run:
./tia-audio --help
From within source path, run:
go test -cover -v ./...
Fork repo on Github.
From within source path, setup new remote, run:
git remote add myfork [email protected]:$GITHUB-USERNAME/tia-audio.git
Create a new branch to use for development, run:
git checkout -b new-branch
Make your changes, add, commit and push to your Github fork.
Back on Github, submit pull request.
This code is available open source under the terms of the MIT License.