This repo stores the notebooks and other resources related to the findings and implementations of PyG
create a virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt
# uninstall torch and torch_geometric if the versions are not compatible with your environment (sometimes requires running the command twice)
pip uninstall torch_geometric
pip uninstall torch
pip uninstall torch
# install torch and torch_geometric by finding appropriate versions
# now install jupyter notebook in the current virtualenv
pip install notebook
# install ipykernel and also register the specific kernel to this virtualenv (this enables using the notebook with the preferred virtualenv)
pip install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=<env_name>
# go to the project folder and run jupyter from there
cd ...path_to_Pyg_Explore/
jupyter notebook
This notebook starts a hands on demonstration of Homogeneous graph data manipulation concepts using PyG Library required for GNN tasks
This notebook demonstrates Node Classification and Graph Classification using Homogeneous graph data
This notebook takes a hands on with Heterogeneous Graph data. Here we use Movielens dataset to predict if a user rates a movie of a type of genre,
with the help of Self Supervised Link Prediction task. We also look deeply into the preprocessing steps needed to build up a heterogeneous graph
data from a raw dataset
This notebook shows the study of Node vs Edge level splits in pyg. We study the methods RandomNodeSplit vs RandomLinkSplit on toy datasets. There is a load_file method which can load any pkl file. Our datasets are homogeneous and heterogeneous graphs. The code can be applied to any sort of dataset as long as it is a pyg graph.