- https://whoami.dubovsky.devops.klikuj.cz/
- https://gitlab.dubovsky.devops.klikuj.cz/
- https://api.dubovsky.devops.klikuj.cz/whoami/
- A domain IP1
- A domain IP2
- A domain IP3
- CNAME *.domain domain
- Configure passwordless sudo on all nodes
- Mainly to allow gitlab CI run cmds there
- Run
to install docker etc on servers - Put DigitalOcean token into
textfile - Upload these to chosen folder on swarm manager node
- choose the contentgitlab-runner/01_run_gitlab_runner.sh
- In the folder run
sudo docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml kvp
- Setup Gitlab Runner
- Obtain registration token from Gitlab admin area
- Run
sudo ./01_run_gitlab_runner.sh
- Run
sudo ./02_register_gitlab_runner.sh <token>
- Kong
- Manually create a repository and populate it by files from
directory- Including
- Including
- Passwordless ssh key pair
- To allow gitlab pipeline non-interactive cmds execution
- Create new pair
- Add public part to authorized keys on chosen node
- In repo -> Settings -> CI/CD -> Variables add
- SSH_NODE - ip of a node chosen above
- SSH_PRIVATE_KEY - result of
cat <private_ssh_key_file> | base64
- set protected
- Manually run
pipeline in repo
- Manually create a repository and populate it by files from
- basic auth
- curl directly to kong works
- but it is not coming through traefik for some reason
- nfs
- I used it so that traefik has a place to store Let's Encrypt certificate and access it from different node next time
- Try replacing by Docker volumes maybe
- Gitlab rootpassword from file was not effective
- Let gitlab reinitialize itself if it helps