I've been actively been programming in the industry for 4 years. I started with blockchain and is currently working with NextJS and Django + Kafka
- ๐ย I'm based in India
- โ๏ธย You can contact me at [email protected]
- ๐ย I'm currently working at Sustainext.
- ๐ง ย I'm learning about Database in Depth.
- ๐คย I'm open to collaborating on Backend Development, and Qt Development.
My GitHub Stats
CRUD REST API and CRUD forms demo in django and djangorestframework Check it out
Calculate digits of pi indefinitely and change bg colour with it. Check it out
Adjust your blur in the background (opencv, cvzone, mediapipe) Check it out here
Hide your background using custom images or blur (if no image found) Check it out here
Stream Movies, Download torrents from your browser. Check it our here
Stream Movies, Download torrents from command line. Check it out here
Upload file and get links from command line Check it out here
Clean your download folder in a instant! Find out more here
Convert your images to ASCII characters Check it out here